Chapter 10 - Part 2

Start from the beginning

Abel had played it down, saying he knew his hothead brother and that he was just controlling any sparks before his brother came back and it turned into an all-out blaze. He said he didn't want them all getting kicked off the ship. But Nellie saw more in his eyes than just a protective big brother keeping his little brother out of trouble. It was what she'd seen in Hector's eyes tonight. They were watching out for each other's property.

The way Charlee explained it was far more romantic than this theory sounded. Charlee said that she and Hector owned each other's hearts. She'd long ago assured him she was completely his because he so often told her she owned his heart.

Nellie's own heart suddenly skipped a beat. Was it possible that Abel had said something to Hector about his feelings for her? Could Hector be getting all hard-nosed about her meeting a guy last night because he was feeling protective over Abel's feelings?

She cleared her throat, glancing back, and making sure Hector was far enough away. Abel was still sitting where he had been when she walked in. Roni turned from the kitchen counter where she was slicing the cheesecake and smiled at her.

"Listen," Nellie said, knowing this might get Roni all riled up, but she had no choice. "Maybe we shouldn't talk about my date last night in front of Hector and Abel." She lifted her hand at the sight of Roni's raised brows. "Not that I'm afraid he'll be upset or anything because I'm absolutely certain he won't. I just don't want him thinking I'm trying to rub it in to get a reaction or anything."

Roni stared at her for a moment very straight-faced before licking the cheese cake she'd smeared on her finger and turning back to face the counter. "Maybe I was trying to rub it in."

This alarmed Nellie. She was not going to start playing those games. "Why?"

Roni turned back to her, looking a little worried now. "Okay, you still promise there are no feelings involved and you're not expecting anything more from this except letting your free spirit loose, right?"

"Yes," Nellie said in the most assuring voice she could gather. It was far from the truth now, but she had to keep up the front.

"I guess Noah was beginning to worry like me that maybe Abel was going to start changing his mind and that he might even get upset when he heard about your date, so he asked him straight out, and Abel assured him he's only in this for your free spirit, insisting you take care of his needs and that he doesn't have to worry about any drama or demands. And then those photos of him in New York and the stories of him and juice bar girl he's doing just after you got back from that trip were all over the Internet and TV." She stopped and exhaled exasperatingly. "I'm sorry. I know it doesn't bother you, but it pisses me off. I love you, and I just want him to know he's not doing you any favors, helping you unload your free spirit. There are plenty of others out there who'd be willing to help out."

Feeling the stab of reality lodge in her stupidly hopeful heart so suddenly, Nellie couldn't help rolling her eyes in reaction. "Geez, Roni," she said, swallowing back the infuriating lump in her throat, "I'm not a charity case."

Roni reached for her arm, and after seeing the apparently undeniable hurt in Nellie's eyes, she hugged her. "No, no, no! I didn't mean it that way." She pulled back to look at her. "I'm so sorry, honey. I know you're not. I just meant that if he's going to openly date other women, knowing full well that it's bound to get back to you, then why the hell should we keep your social life away from him quiet? You're an exquisitely beautiful woman with a ton more class and so much more to offer than any of those girls he goes around bagging. I just want him to know that if he doesn't see it others do." She crossed her heart quickly, glancing back toward the front room where Hector had now joined the rest of the guys. "I promise I'll keep my nose out of it from here on, though. You're brilliant, and you seem to have things under control. I need to trust that you know what you're doing. If you'd rather not talk about it in front of him or Hector, then I'll keep my big fat mouth shut."

Nellie smiled, gathering her composure. Roni hadn't said anything to her that she shouldn't already know. Their agreement had been a very simple one, one they'd each accepted. Her hurt feelings were irrational. He'd never promised her anything. She knew betrayal of the worst kind and this wasn't it. This was just her heart getting one step ahead of itself, something she knew better than to let happen.

"It's already out there, so if it's brought up, there's no need to hide it. Let's just not openly flaunt it." She winked at her still-worried-looking friend. "You're right. I do have a ton more class than the girls he's used to banging. Let's keep it that way."

Relief washed across Roni's face. It was so melodramatic it made Nellie laugh. "C'mon that cheesecake looks delicious."

She helped Roni bring the cake plates and utensils out to the front room. Maybe she would take Sam up on his offer to have brunch with him tomorrow. She certainly would need a huge distraction to wean her off Abel. Especially now that she knew she wasn't going to be able handle continuing this with Abel if he was going to be bagging other women at the same time. Tonight was proof. Her heart literally ached just before she walked through the door because she dreaded walking in and seeing Abel with Rachel. It was why she'd really been late. Her last-minute deviled-eggs story was bullshit. She'd been so close to calling and canceling but was certain Roni would know she was lying and that things were already changing like she was so afraid of.

Thankfully Abel hadn't brought her, but that could change soon, and just seeing him tonight, trying to contain her delight that Rachel wasn't sitting with him or at the table with the girls was hard enough. Getting the reality check that, in fact, she was alone in crossing the line and thinking there was something more growing between them was further proof that she needed to jump ship soon. She'd never been good at hiding her emotions. Roni would see right through her soon, so she had to seriously consider the real possibility of cutting her losses very soon and making a clean break before things got too painful.

Sticking a fork full of cheesecake in her mouth, she thought about what Roni had said. She was brilliant and had things under control. Her wounded heart was proof of how under control she really had things. Shoving more cheesecake in her mouth, she thought about what she'd been trying to convince herself of all this time. She'd be a stronger woman for having done this and all that shit.

More to come!

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