She had developed a crush on Steve Rogers.

It hadn't changed anything about their relationship, other than Delaney was more prone to forgetting what she was going to say next when he entered the room, or that shivers went down her spine when they hugged.

Delaney had worked hard to work through these feelings, since Steve Rogers couldn't possibly like her, right?

That was what drove her to continuously practice archery despite her dismal skill. Clint didn't seem to mind, anyway: he saw it as an opportunity to make up lost time. It was endearing whenever he ruffled her hair – though Delaney felt young whenever he did, she had so many memories of him performing that small action while she was still a trainee agent at S.H.I.E.L.D. that the familiar action was soothing.

Her sixth arrow of the day had missed the target – again – when the door to the training room opened. "Hey, Lane!"

Delaney's heart jumped in her chest – she recognised that voice instantly. She whirled around and grinned. "Steve!"

Steve wandered into the room, eying the target with amusement. "How's it going?"

"Really well, if the aim of this practice was to not hit the target."

This earned her a laugh from both of her friends. "You're getting better, though," Steve commented, indicating to the two arrows embedded in the outmost ring of the target.

Delaney snorted. "Barely."

"What's up, Cap?" Clint asked.

"Tony and Bruce think they've perfected the formula, Lane."

Delaney blinked. Subconsciously she lowered her bow to her side.

"Oh," she said softly. She turned to Clint and winked. "I guess that's my cue to leave."

She was doing her best to hide the conflicting emotions within her: relief, at the possibility of being able to do something, and sadness - disappointment, that soon she would have to leave everyone once again.

Clint clapped her shoulder, and took the bow from her hand. "Good session, Lane."

"I think you need to read the definition of 'good session' again, Clint," Delaney quipped, with a slight roll of her eyes.

He laughed. Delaney waved goodbye and followed Steve out of the room, strolling through the halls of Avengers Towers.

"So..." Steve rubbed the back of his head. "What's going on? Between..."

His words died off.

"Between me and Clint?" Delaney finished for him.

Steve merely nodded. 

Delaney stared at him for a moment, wide eyed, because she let out a bark of laughter. "Oh my goodness, nothing," she exclaimed fervently, shaking both her head and waving her arms. "Clint's like my older brother. Dating him would... It would be like dating my brother, if I had one." She shuddered.

Besides, he's already married, and has a family

She didn't speak the last part out loud though; she knew how Clint wanted to keep his family secret.

"I see," Steve mused.

Delaney nudged him in the sides. "Jealous, are we?" she teased. She tried to sound nonchalant, though she couldn't stop that little voice in her head hoping that he would say yes.

Steve shrugged. Delaney pursed her lips, head tilted to the side. What was she supposed to make of that reaction?

She didn't have much longer to ponder, as they had arrived at the lab. Suddenly business-like, Delaney entered to see Tony and Bruce waiting.

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