Jermaine:cause it's cute *he tried to touch her hair again and she hit him and screamed and he laughed* alright, alright I'll stop

The limo finally pulled up at the end of the red carpet and the chauffeur opened the door and Jermaine got out with jazzy which made everyone coo and the media took more pictures and he helped Kristina out...

Mack(Reporter):another Jackson has arrived and he's here with his beautiful wife and singer Kristina Jackson and their daughter Jazmine Jackson *he walked over to Jermaine* how've you been Jermaine?

Jermaine:I've been wonderful. As long as I have my wife and daughter I'm great

Mack(Reporter):and it's nice to see you again Kristina

Kristina:it's nice to see you too Mack

Jermaine:y'all know each other?

Kristina:of course, we went to high school together

Jermaine:WOW! That's great

Mack(Reporter):so how are the careers going?

Jermaine:everything's going well, I mean look who my wife is *they laughed* she supports me through everything and anything I do and I return the favor

Mack(Reporter):last question and I won't hold you guys any longer *they laughed again* so what brings you to "The Bodyguard" premiere?

Kristina:just here to celebrate with my sister-in-law on her big night. You know this is her first time acting in a major film let alone her being the co-star to one of the best actors in Hollywood, so yeah we just came to support

Mack(Reporter):well, I hope you enjoy yourselves

Jermaine:thank you


They walked into the building to see different people like Kevin Costner and his wife, Magic Johnson and his wife, Cissy and John, Katherine and Joseph, Robyn, Bobby Brown and lots more. They walked further in to see nippy and mike talking to Kevin

Kristina:NIPPYYY!!! *she rushed over to her and they hugged* oh my God, look how big you got

Whitney:y'all made it! And I know

Kristina:hey baby *she rubbed Nippy's stomach*

Whitney:where's my baby?

Kristina:her and Jermaine are talking back there *she looked back and saw them walking towards them* well never mind

Jazzy:nana *she reached for nippy*

Whitney:hey my pumpkin *she grabbed jazzy even though she wasn't supposed to be picking up anything heavy* hi nana's princess

Jermaine:hi Nippy *he kissed her* wassup lil bro *he hugged his brother*

Whitney:hi Maine

Michael:wassup Maine

Jermaine:y'all excited for tonight

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