Ch.7 Power of love

Start from the beginning

They continued to wait, but Tess didn't wake up.

"Are you sure that was enough power?" Garrison said.

"Yeah it said to do it for 30 seconds, and I counted 30 seconds."

"Then why isn't she awake?"

"I don't know."

Jack then put his fingers against her pulse.

"I don't feel a heartbeat" he said with shock.

"What?" Garrison gasped as he touched her forehead, it was still cold.

"I don't understand" Jack said with a worried look "It should work."

"Are you sure this is the right crystal?"

"Yes I'm positive. I just don't know what's wrong."

Garrison looked back at Tess, she still wasn't waking up, he then felt his eyes water and his heart aching.

"Tess" he said as he felt a tear roll down his cheek "Please wake up, I know you're still there."

No response. Garrison then felt more tears pour out.

"I'm sorry" he sniffed "I tried, I tried but I failed. I'm so sorry Tess."

He then burst into tears and Jack rubbed his shoulder with a sad look.

"I just wanted you back" Garrison sniffed "You mean everything to me, you didn't have to give up your powers for me, I'm not Skyvolt, you are. And-" he sniffed again "I love you."

He gave one last sniff before leaning in and placing a kiss on her cold lips, not knowing that it had sent a slight spark to her. He then pulled away and continued to let tears fall while holding onto her cold hand. Garrison's heart was aching more, knowing that the girl he loves was now forever gone.

But as he continued to cry, Tess's eyes started to open.

"Hey!" Jack gasped in a whisper as he grabbed Garrison's shoulder.

Garrison looked and gasped when he saw Tess opening her eyes.

"Tess?" he gasped as she slowly turned her head towards him.

Her vision was still a but blurry, but it soon get clear and she was able to see who it was.

"Garrison?" she said quietly.

They couldn't believe it, Tess was awake!

"You're awake!" Garrison gasped "You're back!"

He slowly helped her up as she looked confused.

"I don't understand" she said as she looked at herself "How am I back?"

"It's a long story" Garrison said "I'll explain later, but first hug me."

He then wrapped his arms around her and into a hug. He hugged her with all his might as he felt himself crying tears of joy onto her shoulder, never wanting to let go of her. And even though she was still confused, Tess decided to hug back. When they pulled away, Tess saw that Garrison's eyes was stained with tears.

"Garrison what's going on?" she asked "I thought I sacrificed myself for you."

"I brought you back" he said with a slight sniff.

"You brought me back?" she gasped "How?"

"With his help" he motioned his head to Jack.

"Jack?" Tess gasped.

"Hey Tess" he smiled.

"Oh my God!" she gasped again as she got out her coffin "What are you doing here, I thought you graduate."

"I did, but when I heard about your death, I decided to help Garrison into bringing you back."

"How long have I been dead?"

"A few days" Garrison said "You know ever since you died I've been so stressed out, and I would of done anything to bring you back, so that's what I did."

Tess gave a small gasp.

"I couldn't stand loosing you" Garrison said as he held her hand "You mean everything to me, I also never got a chance to tell you that... I love you. I really do."

Tess felt her heart flutter as Garrison felt his eyes water again.

"Oh Garrison" she smiled as she pulled him into a hug and felt her eyes water too "I love you too."

They both continued to hug each other, both not wanting to let go.

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