Chapter 7: The Secerts Out

Start from the beginning

"No," I said not looking her in the eyes.

"Do not lie to me Miss Potter," as she said that I felt the whole rooms eyes on me. Ginny tapped me on the leg to sit down. But I didn't I just stared at Umbridge in disbelief.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Do not lie to me Miss Potter I know the truth," she said.

"Oh, does the ministry to? Because they sure aren't acting like it?" I said trying to change the subject.

"Don't not bring the ministry into this I've had that discussion once today and I wouldn't like to have it again, now before you cause any more of a fuss go to the Headmasters office,"

I stared at her for a moment before she pointed her hand at the door.

I angrily slammed my textbook closed and slung my bag  over my shoulder without taking my eyes off of the bitch in front of me. I stomped out of the classroom trying to ignore the fact that all the eyes were on me.

I walked to the gargoyle that turned into the staircase for the headmasters office and I said "fizzing whizbees" I always knew the password to his office in case of emergencies.

I walked up the hidden staircase and sure enough when I was about to knock on the door Dumbledore said:

"Come in Elizabeth," I walked in slowly.

"What's happened?" asked Dumbledore as he sat behind his high desk and gestured for me to sit in the chair in front of it. I did and didn't respond right away.

"Professor Umbridge knew," I mumbled.

"Knew what?" Asked Dumbledore.

"That I was Harry's sister she announced it to the whole class after she asked for my last name and I wouldn't give it to her," I said quickly.

"Did she?" Asked Dumbledore.
I nodded slightly.

"What did you do?" He asked calmly but now keeping a intense look on me.

"I kinda tried to deny it and change the subject but she told me not to lie and that I couldn't see my way out of this one... when I wouldn't talk anymore she sent me here... what's going to happen now... everyone knows me to be dead... professor... what do I do?" I asked getting scared.

"Well, the first thing to do is to not deny it. The truth is out at long last and now you and Harry can stop pretending. The bad thing Elizabeth is that people may not react kindly. I heard that two people attacked you two nights ago. I believe them to have been death eaters most likely trying to get to you because they found out that you had lived. How they found out I couldn't tell you but I certainly is not pleasant. Now, Elizabeth you know what happened that night. Don't let other people make up stories. If you hear a lie about it tell them the true story. I know it won't be very pleasant for both you and Harry we already know he's having his problems with the Daily Prophet as am I so Elizabeth I believe you are the only person who can control this. Chances are it might make it go the papers tonight and tomorrow. For now, I suggest you go back to you dormitory. Classes will be ending soon and it's important you wait till dinner to go back into the public,"

"Okay, thank you sir," I said as I walked towards the door.

"Oh, and Miss Potter anything you want to tell me?" said Dumbledore. I could tell he knew about the dreams. Dumbledores somehow knew everything.

Eliza Potter: Harry Potters SisterWhere stories live. Discover now