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Akinli and I slowly grow together. He tells me about our few blissful, wonderful moments. He tells me how much we... Well, we loved each other. With each passing day he has grown stronger, as have I. I'm permanently living with Ben and Julie now, and I've gotten a job so that I can pay them at least a little bit of rent. They have been so kind to me, it's the least I can do.
Akinli wants to take me out after I get off of work today, on our first real date. Well, the first one I'll remember, anyway.
I'm actually a little nervous. I know that I loved this boy... I think I still do... But this is different. I ask Julie for some help. She takes me shopping before work and I pick a few things that must have been my style before because I am immediately drawn to them.
When we get back home, Akinli is already gone to do a little bit of work with Ben, leaving Julie to work her magic. I'm not ugly by any means. In fact, I'm quite pretty... But I want to look perfect for this afternoon.
So I put on my new clothes- a burgundy A-line skirt and a light blue button-up shirt. Julie rolls up the sleeves then tells me to sit down. She gets to work curling my hair and pinning one section of it to the side. She puts very light makeup on me, but it makes a difference. I stand in awe at my reflection for a moment when she finishes.
"You look beautiful," Julie whispers in my ear. "Akinli won't know what hit him."
I smile shyly. "Thank you, Julie. You do too much for me..."
"Please," she waves me off. "Without you coming back... I think Akinli might have died. Never underestimate the power of love."
I blush but can't seem to argue with her. She smiles. "Now come on, you're going to be late for work."
I hug her quickly then run out the door. I hop on my bike and ride it all the way out of Port Clyde to the biggest nearby town, Rockland. I go to the quaint little bookstore that Akinli had convinced me to apply at, claiming that this was where we had one of our biggest 'moments.'
Even without his convincing, I probably would have applied here. I love being around books. It's so peaceful, so happy. I get to observe people quietly and learn their stories.

The day goes by pleasantly enough and soon I am nearly off. A little boy asks me to find him a particular book and I do so with a large smile. I love when kids pick out their own books.
While I'm in the children's section I notice that some of the books are out of order. I pick them up and scan over the shelves to find its location, only to see its spot on the very top shelf. I stand on my tiptoes and try my hardest to reach it, but I am just barely too small. Before I can give up and get a step stool, there is a warm hand on my waist. The other hand reaches up with ease and takes the book from my hand, putting it neatly in its place. I turn around to find Akinli's blue eyes sparkling as he smiled down at me. "Hello, Prom Queen."
I laugh softly, a light blush covering my cheeks. "I still don't understand why you call me that..."
He gives me a dreamy look. "And I still don't understand how I survived not seeing your beautiful face all of last night and a large part of this morning."
I lower my eyes shyly.
"Are you ready to go?" He asks enthusiastically, not letting my shyness stop him.
"Yeah..." I bite my lip.
He laces our fingers gently and we walk out hand in hand.

We put my bike in the back of his truck and then he begins to drive.  We stop briefly to get ice cream, but take it straight back to the car.
"Where are we going?" I question as I lick my dripping strawberry ice cream.
"Back to Port Clyde. I want to take you somewhere special..." I don't have to look at him to know he's smiling.
I gently lean my head against his shoulder and he doesn't hesitate to wrap an arm around me.  This feels so natural.  So great.
He pulls up in front of Ben and Julie's house and I laugh softly. "I know this place is special, Akinli, but I think I've been here," I tease.
He rolls his eyes, smiling. "Ha. Funny. Follow me." He helps me out and grabs my hand before pulling me down a few paths and little shortcuts through yards. We end up in front of a large house- a mansion almost. It looks empty, yet somehow lively and inviting. I'm struck by an odd feeling. "I... I've been here before, haven't I?"
His eyes light up. "Yes. You have! I brought you here on our first real date... This was the last place I saw you before you came back and didn't remember anything."
I nod a bit. "What is this place again?"
"It was my grandfathers house... And then it was my parents house... And now it's my house for whenever I decide to move out of Ben and Julie's."
"Wow..." I whisper, looking at the house with a new light.
"I'm going to fix it up, of course," he adds quickly, almost shyly.
"Can I help?"
"Really...? You'd want to?"
I smile and gently take both of his hands. "I'd love nothing more."
He grins and then unlocks the door, dragging me inside. He lights a few candles and again I'm struck by a familiar pang like I should remember this. He leads me out back of the house where a blanket is laid in the sand, right by the ocean.
"I've set us up a picnic... We don't have to eat, we could just talk.... But I thought, if you were hungry..." He looks nervous. I smile softly and kiss his cheek. "It's wonderful."
His Akinli smile comes back quickly and he rushes to help me sit down on the blanket.
"Now, once upon a time you knew me as the worlds worst cook.  Not anymore! Prepare to be amazed by my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!" He opens the basket up and I glance inside.  They look a little squished, but all in all they seem edible. I grin and clap for him.  "Those look delicious! I can't wait to eat one."
"Then wait no longer, my darling Kahlen.  Now you may feast!" He hands me a sandwich with a grand flourish of his hand that makes me chuckle. I take it and bite into it quickly, making an exaggerated sigh of pleasure as I continue to eat and give him a thumbs up.  His smile is so wide that I almost wonder if it hurts.
I finish it quickly and smile.  "It was so good! You did a great job!"
"Thank you, thank you. You're too kind," he teases.  "What better way to wash down a PB&J than with an ice cold glass of lemonade.  It's pink!"
I laugh at his enthusiasm.  "It's perfect!"
"Just like you...." He smiles softly.  He hands me a glass then squeezes my other hand.  "Did I tell you how gorgeous you look today? I mean... You always look gorgeous, but you seem radiant today."  I go as pink as my lemonade, sipping it slowly then pulling away from his hand and clearing my throat.  "Even the lemonade is great!" I say quickly to cover my embarrassment. I stand up and walk so my feet are barely in the water.
He stands up and follows me.  "Kahlen." He frowns.  "Why do you get so uncomfortable when I call you beautiful?  Don't you know how breathtaking you are?"  He puts his hands on my shoulders in an attempt to make me look at him.
I sigh and finally meet his eyes.  "I just... I don't think I've always been pretty... And I don't know if you'd like me this much if I wasn't."
He looks taken aback.  "Okay, first- Kahlen, I have never said you are pretty. That would be unfair to you.  You're beautiful... You take my breath away... But it's not just the way you look.  It's how you make me feel inside.  You make me feel like I could fly or like I could spontaneously combust.  You're so kind... That's the most beautiful thing about you.  You make me feel like I could do anything. You make me feel smart. You make me feel loved."
I search his eyes and though we've never said it out loud, I know that we love each other.  "I do, Akinli. I do love you," I whisper softly.
That magical grin blooms on his face slowly.  "And I love you, my Prom Queen.  My Kahlen. You wonderful, wonderful girl..." He leans in slowly and presses his lips to mine.  I don't even hesitate to respond, though this is the only kiss that I fully remember having. I know there were others, or at least one other, but I haven't quite remembered that yet.
His hands make their way to my waist and just before he can deepen it I pull away and tilt my head to the side slightly.  "Do you feel like someone is... Watching us?" I look around.  He does the same then looks back to me.  "I don't feel anything.  Plus I doubt anyone would be around, this is my beach." He states proudly.  "And if someone is watching... Let 'em watch." He smiles then leans in again and I don't bother to stop him.

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