Chapter 2

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Me and Lottie didn't have to guess why my mum was screaming. We already knew.

As we entered the kitchen, we sensed a foul smell of fresh blood. Windows were smashed, tables over-turned, plates and cutlery broken - but the worst of it all was my mum, lying motionless on the floor, a knife in her back. I dropped to my knees, hands covering my face, and cried until the police arrived and took us to the station.

They were really nice at first. They gave me and Lottie a chocolate biscuit with some juice (not that we were hungry. Still, it was very kind of them) and let us explore the cells whilst they filled out some forms. But then a stern-looking policeman took us to a black room with only one tiny window and hooked us up to a lie detector. It was really uncomfortable at first. The wires kept prodding into mine and Lottie's stomach, and we weren't allowed to move the wires in case we broke them. But I kind of forgot about it once they started asking questions.

First of all, it was just basic questions. What are your names, how old are you both - stuff like that.

But then they started asking what happened.

I couldn't tell them about the text. They wouldn't believe me. They'd say it was just pure coincidence.

But I knew it wasn't.

And so did Lottie.

I could tell Lottie was really nervous. Her palms were sweating and her eyes were wide and unblinking. She was biting her lip so hard I could see a small bead of blood on the surface of her bottom lip. I knew she would blurt out something any moment, so I nudged her and gave her the look that meant: Don't say anything about the text! She looked back at me as if I was crazy, but said nothing.

The policemen tried for another half hour or so, but they eventually gave up. They let us out of the room, and we were free to leave.

Well, almost.

They wanted to know where I was going to live.

I panicked at this question. I had to think of something - fast!

Or I knew what would happen if I didn't say anything.

But luckily I didn't have to! Lottie said "Oh, she's staying at mine."

And the policemen actually believed her!

Well, I think they did.

But it worked, so that's all that matters.

So now I'm living at Lottie's house, and we're having so much fun! But there's still a part of me that feels like it's trapped in that lie detector room, unable to speak or concentrate properly.

But that was before the worst part of it all came.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed. I don't really have a lot to say, apart from that there will hopefully be more to come! Maybe some of you could let me know what you think in the comments? It will really give me a boost of confidence so I will feel better writing the next chapter.

This story hasn't really been noticed so far, but I'm hoping to change that. It would be really appreciated if you shared it around? Thanks so much!

Abbie x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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