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Umm so umm *hides* my names kale I'm bisexual but auto correct doesn't  think so. I like guys more..their just more less shove there boobs in your face if you know what I mean.. I know all girls don't do that *slowly starts backing away* im sorry girls *whispers* and I'm single I just wanna a cuddle buddy or hug buddy or love. *hides my face with my phone* not working.. Umm I'm not good at conversations as you can see I hide a lot
If you be my friend please don't leave me.. I'm begging you. *gets on my knees*
-I like food
-not a big fan of crowds
-I'm 16
-my last boyfriends were bad (sex sex sex all they wanted was sex.)
-is it bad I like wearing girls clothes?

Yupppieeeeee I'll add more later. I will probably update daily maybe.

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