Chapter 1 ~ Datpaw can't hunt

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Silver here with the worst book

💚Chapter 1💚

The wind blew in the small cat's eyes. His muscles rippled under his emerald pelt. His gaze did not waver on the small rodent in front of him. He dragged his paws forwards, not making the slightest noise. As the sun shined down on him, he smiled, loosing concentration for a second. The rustling of the white creature brought him back to reality. I'm going to loose it! The small tom-cat thought frantically. He leaped for the rodent; the poor mouse didn't have time before it was swiftly killed.

"Datpaw," the green cat's mentor, Grumpywhisker, murmured in disapproval "Your attention is worse than a blind hedgehog."

Datpaw sighed. His mentor constantly berated him over the smallest of things. "This is your warrior assessment, not a lemon party." Datpaw's face scrunched up in disgust. That phrase just popped up one day and Grumpywhisker just started using it.

Grumpywhisker sighed dramatically. "Pepestar would hate me if you failed your assessment." His melodramatic sigh turned into a sneer. "You have until sunhigh to catch as much prey as you can." The annoyed mentor snarled and bounded away.

Datpaw found the next few hours easy. His green pelt camouflaged perfectly in MemeClan territory and prey naturally were attracted to him. As the sun was at its highest, Datpaw managed to catch a large rabbit, a pheasant and three squirrels. He looked glumly at the pile. His father, the great Pepestar, founded MemeClan and made it the best clan ever. He was perfect, strong and handsome in every way. Every battle they fought with GifClan was won easily.

Sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some. Datpaw remembered the one story of his father, how he caught a hawk as a kit! A kit! The tom-cat knew that he would never be like his father, no matter how hard he tried.

As Grumpywhisker came up to the apprentice, the sun shone brightly as if to say, 'Fighting Time!' Datpaw felt even more glum. He was good at fighting. Too good. Everyone always shot him looks of envy. Pepestar was amazing at everything, but his only weakness was Datpaw's strength.

As Datpaw started to trudge through the forest to the fighting cave, a sharp 'mreoow' rang out in the forest. "My fur! My beautiful fur!" The shrill cry continued. "I-It's so... dirty!" Datpaw heard his mentor sigh. "Kardashiancry, what are you doing here?!" Grumpywhisker sneered.

Datpaw knew that they would start fighting like always. He never knew why they fought, they just did. The fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat loved drama. "Remember," The small apprentice hissed under his breath to Grumpywhisker. "She is overseeing my fight." 

Kardashiancry snorted. "Of course! I am deputy, you know." Kardashiancry never let anyone forget it "I've brought Dogekit and Moonmoon to fight you." Two small cats emerged behind the deputy.

The first was Dogekit. Dogekit was Datpaw's best friend. The large kit was poofy fur and a large snout that made her look like a shiba inu. Dogekit also had an accent that only thickened when she was scared.

And the second cat was Moonmoon. Her pure white body and snow coloured eyes always attracted attention from FanClan toms. She was always hated and nobody knows why, but Datpaw always thought she was pretty.

"Moonmoon, fight Datpaw. Start now." Datpaw was startled by the quickness on the fight. He sunk down on his haunches and waited for Moonmoon to make the first move.

Moonmoon yowled and ran at the apprentice. Datpaw quickly sidestepped and growled. Before Moonmoon could turn around, Datpaw leaped on the snowy warrior and pinned her down. The warrior struggled under the small apprentices grip and sighed in defeat. Both of the fighting cats' eye locked. I'm sorry, Moonmoon's expression seemed to say. Sorry for what? Datpaw wanted to ask.

"Much wow! Datpaw wins!" The shriek of Dogekit's voice brought Datpaw back to reality. Datpaw got off the large warrior. "Well done, apprentice." Datpaw turned to Grumpywhisker. It was the first time his mentor said something nice. "That was even better than a lemon party."


It was time. All the clan gathered around Frog Rock to watch the ceremony unfurl. "My son, Datpaw, it is time you become a warrior." Pepestar's voice boomed. Datpaw looked up to his father and their gazes met. Pepestar only held pride in his eyes.

"Grumpywhisker, is Datpaw ready to become a warrior?" The muscular green leader asked. Grumpywhisker scowled and nodded.

Pepestar smiled. "I, Pepestar, leader of MemeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Pepestar turned to Datpaw. "Datpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?

Datpaw's head rang. "I-I do!" He shouted, a little louder than he was supposed to. Laughter came from some senior warriors.

"Then by the powers of InternetClan, I give you your warrior name. Datpaw, from this moment you will be known as-"

Yowls interrupted the ceremony.

"GifClan are attacking!"

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