Thinking about fighting

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Fighting is stupid, to begin with.
You have nothing to win by fighting other than bad feelings and chances to ruin your relationship with others.
Still, not only do you fight but people consider it as something that is normal, as something you ought to do in order to be heard.
To be heard by whom? Why would you even care to heard about the people who are only going to pay attention to you when you are bringing up a fight?
And don't get me started with the fights between family members.
And I'm not talking about you fighting with your uncle in a family event because he was making jokes that offended you or something like that. I'm taking about fighting with the people closest to you. The ones that pop on your mind when you think of love.
Why would you ever start a fight with them? It's so so so stupid. Because especially those people are the ones who are going to listen to you no matter what. They are by your side 24/7.
Stop fighting and start communicating as human beings of the 21st century.
Oh, don't get confused. I'm including myself in the "you" I'm referring to.

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