Chapter 33: Sakura's New Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Naruto!" Hinata yelled and he slowly got up. "Come on demon is that all you got!" It hurt bad like really bad for what I said but I have to do this. He had a face of hurt before it turned into a glare.

I managed to block every punch and kick he sent. I didn't want to end the fight right away even though I saw a lot of openings from Naruto.

Hinata screamed for us to stop by the sidelines and Sasuke stared wide eyed not believing we were actually fighting. I skidded across the concrete floor and I panted.

I was able to give Naruto some scratches but no deep and I glared. I just wish I could tell them why I'm doing this but I cant. "Sakura were friends why are you doing this?" I chuckled darkly "Friends your funny Naruto. When I left the village six years ago I realized something I don't need you guys I need to focus on one thing and one thing only to avenge my family!" he gasped and glared.

"Your lying!" He created and army of shadow clones and they all swarmed me. I jumped up and infused my fist in chakra. I crashed down and destroyed ever single clone injuring Naruto in the process.

"Does it look like I'm lying!" I infused my chakra and (with a risk) all my elements. "I'm ending this Naruto!" He summoned a clone and started to form a jutsu. "Rasengan!" we ran at eachother and we could hear Sasuke and Hinata yelling at us to stop.

We were getting closer and closer and Naruto's glare turned to one of worry. After all I've done he still cares. But before we could hit eachother a pair of hands grabbed our wrists directed us away from eachother.

I was directed to a water tank and my fist punctured a hole into it. My head banged against the metal and my vision blurred for a bit before returning. My arms was stuck inside the whole and as I pulled it out the sharp metal cut into my skin.

I looked over at Naruto to see his jutsu just created a dent in the wall and I put on a smugly smirk.
"Pathetic." I said and made my way over to Kakashi and the others.

"Yes of course pathetic Sakura you guys could've seriously hurt eachother." Kakashi stated dissaprovingly.

I stayed silent and my only retort was a scoff and crossing my arms.

"Fighting Naruto is unlike you Sakura. I've never seen you act so irrationally and impulsive. Why did you do this?" I scoffed and glared at everyone.

"Why! I'll tell you. I'm don't with this village Kakashi and with these weaklings also. I thought coming back here would make me strong but I was wrong this village is just a waist of time and I'm not getting strong enough to avenge my family. I've had it!" I stated and glared a Kakashi once more.

I punched Kakashi square in the jaw sending him flying away and crash into the wall. He stared at me shocked and full of worry and my fists clenched in rage.

"I'm done playing ninja with these weaklings. I'm done with this village!" I jumped away from them and ran into the trees. Tears streamed down my face and I quickly wiped them away.

I'm so sorry guys I thought and stopped on a branch of a large tree and sat down. I stayed there for a while recognizing a familiar chakra. "What do you want Kakashi?" he looked down on me and I glared.

"Sakura what happened to you? What happened back there?" I stood up and Kakashi looked at me standing weary and causious.

"What happened is me finally realizing how worthless this village and everyone here is!" I shook in anger. "But why would you attack Naruto and be cruel to your friends it's so unlike you."

I chuckled darkly. "Because they are not worth being called shinobi they are to lost in their own little worlds to see what is really going on and I'm not gonna waist time with some little kids!"

My eyes were liked steel and I balled up my fists. "Like I said Kakashi I'm done." I gave him on last cold smirk and jumped away.


I felt sick as the sky began to darken and I finished packing up my back with supplies. I looked at a picture with me Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata. Tears streamed down my face as I was prepared to leave the village a second time.

But this time I probably wasn't coming back. I closed the door of my home walking into the darkness of the night. The erie silence maybe me feel so alone and lost. I almost arrived at the gates just a bit closer.

"Sakura." I stopped in my steps and look to see it was Sasuke. "What are you doing out here you should be in bed." I didn't say anything and looked at him with a blank face.

"Sakura why do you have a backpack and where's your headband.

"Sasuke I'm leaving." I said and he just looked at me confused. "Where?" he asked "To Orochimaru." he gasped and narrowed his eyes. "Sakura think about what your doing this monster killed your family your seriously just gonna leave everyone behind for power." I nodded and he shook his head.

"No I won't let you leave..not again." he whispered the last part. I started to walk away again. "What about us Sakura didn't that mean anything to you?" I frowned.

"No that didn't mean anything to me." I chuckled darkly. "I just wanted to have to some fun with you to see what would happen if you got your heart broken by the girl you thought loved you." his eyes started to brim with tears and he glared.

"No your lying!" I smirked and kept moving again. "Sakura I will stop you from leaving-" I skidded behind him quickly. "Because I love you." I hit him in spot in his neck to knock him unconscious.

I held Sasuke in my arms and pulled him into one last hug. "I love you too." I kissed his forehead and left him on a bench. "Gomen everyone." And left to meet Orochimaru.

One chapter left guys are you excited. Please like, comment and follow.

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