2| I'll Show You

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Chapter Two

Justin's POV

"Hey, Justin?"

I groan and Hugo plops down next to me with a Pop-Tart in his mouth. "Can you not?" I whine. Hugo stays quiet then snorts and spoons with me. "I missed you too, babe," he sighs as he cuddles with me.


"Yes, Bae?"

"Get the fûck off," I grumble.


When we get to the studio, I see Dior waiting for me with a girl next to her. She has beautiful curly dark brown hair with caramel skin and gray eyes.

"Hello, Dior," I greet with a smile.

She smiles a bit and I feel my day brighten up a little. "Ready for the first day?" she asks, her golden eyes drifting towards Hugo then back to me. I glance at the door behind her, and smile as I lean in close to open it.

Dior stiffens when I look her in the eye, hers melting into my own. "You're a little too close," she whispers. I look at her mouth then back at her, her top lip catching her bottom one.

"I'm just opening the door," I murmur softly.

She breathes out and I close my eyes as her breath fans across my face. "You should open it then," she says quietly.

I glance down at her and nod, "Yeah. I should."

I open the door and everyone piles in, taking seats at random, getting comfortable with the long night ahead of us. The girl next to Dior seems distracted, on edge. Hugo gives me a look and I know somethings off about this one.

"I'm Justin, this is Hugo," I introduce both of us. I smile and the girl just stares, emotionless. Dior nudges her and she slumps backward. "Phoenix," she mumbles.

"Phoenix, that's a cool name," I mutter. Dior shakes her head and I drop the topic. Hugo clears his throat at the silence that follows, and Phoenix gets up and rummages through her bag.

"Hold on," she sighs before pulling out sheets of paper and pens. She gives us each a couple and she begins pacing the room. Hugo shrugs when I give him a weird look and Phoenix finishes pacing.

"People think you're a douche, a jerk, an ass. This is your one chance to prove them wrong, this album has to show what you feel," she starts carefully. Her curls bounce with each movement and my eyes drift towards Dior who was already looking at me with a peculiar look in her eyes.

Phoenix paces around the room, with a tennis ball in her hand. We follow her around the room with our eyes, until she eventually stops and faces me. "You're not a jerk, you're none of those things. But they don't know that. This is your fresh start, one of the first songs on your new album," she emphasizes with hand gestures.

"Okay?" she asks.

I nod and click my pen. "Okay," I respond.


"I'll Show You," I sing softly.

Phoenix smiles at me through the mirror and I give her a thumbs up; Dior smirks and I look away before getting all hot and bothered.

Hugo walks into the recording studio just as I am about to get up and shuts the door behind him, earning a look from Dior.

"Bro," he comes up to me and covers the microphone with his hand. I furrow my eyebrows, "What's up?"

"Phoenix is a bitch," he says with a frown.

I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms. "Okay?" I ask with a hesitant smile.

Hugo groans. "She was supposed to be perfectly kind, perfectly honest, perfectly perfect," he sighs while running a hand through his hair. His eyes meet mine and I see the distress in them. "She's none of that," he finishes.

Phoenix taps on the window right there and then with a nonchalant look in her eye. "Hey, after you're done bitching about me can we continue on with what we are actually meant to be doing?" she asks with no sense of excitement or attitude; emotionless.

Hugo blushes and begins to apologize but she simply raises a hand and moves away. "Don't bother," she mutters.

I shake my head at him but he just sighs, banging his head softly against the palm of his hand. "I'm so stupid," he repeats to himself. "Noice," I snort.


Dior sits next to me, sighing as Phoenix sits at the piano with Hugo saying nothing beside her. We stay quiet for a moment before she leans back. "Look, I'm sorry about last night. Cris can be overprotective at times," she says with a tone of apology.

"That's nice, I forgive you and all but I mean, why invite me?" I ask with intent of being somewhat friendly.

"Because if I'm gonna spend four weeks, 24/7 with you, I'd like to at least know your favorite color," she says with a smile playing on her lips.

I look at her for the first time since the conversation started and take a moment to appreciate her raw beauty. Her skin was smooth and milky, her golden brown eyes stirring up emotions in my stomach. Her eyelashes were long and thick; her hair unruly but beautiful.

"Stop staring," she groans while covering her face. I laugh and shake my head, pulling her hands away from her face. I move in closer so our knees are touching and she giggles as I continually struggle to see her face.

She finally looks up and let's me move her hands away from her face. "Look at that," I smile softly. Dior tilts her head and closes one eye, a trait I find endearing. "Look at what?" she mumbles.

"Your face. You shouldn't hide something so beautiful," I whisper, my eyes looking directly into hers, melting me all over again.

We stay quiet as she smiles and looks away, letting hair fall on her face. Phoenix begins to play a song on the piano and I can see Hugo staring at her like she's something wonderful.

She moves across the keys fluently, like second nature and I almost don't feel Dior's hand slip into mine. Phoenix plays softer then steadily increases in sound, playing a song as beautiful as the girl next to me.

Hugo sits closer to Phoenix and they share a look I can't identify but I see her smile gently and see him look down then back up at her.

Phoenix finishes off and spins around on the bench, "You need to make a song for those who have lost hope," she mumbles and for a minute I see her gaze soften but then she's hard and sharp.

"Life is worth living," she says with a nod. "It's a long journey for some people but it's worth living another day," Phoenix continues.

I nod in agreement and smile to myself. The lyrics roam around in my head at her words and I grab a sheet paper, writing down my thoughts.

Dior leans on my shoulder and I try not to focus on the smell of her perfume that drove me just as crazy as her presence.

After about thirty minutes of me telling Phoenix to repeat the song on the piano, and me singing to see what fits, we have another song.

Life Is Worth Living.



Messi's lit but Ronaldo is bae.

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