Admitting The Truth

Start from the beginning

We stayed in that position for what felt like forever, but Louis phone rang out, the song 143 by Bobby Brackens ft Ray Jay making us break apart slightly “Hay Curly” Louis laughed into his phone, I couldn’t hold back my laughter. Louis had a song about loving someone as his ringtone for Harry, typical Lourry Stylinson bromance. “Yeah that was her…. Yeah she found me…. Urghhh not exactly……. You’ll see when we come back” I placed my hands under his shirt teasing his abs with my light touch. “Uhhh...Leeeaaaah… No, she’s just being a bitch….yeah mate see you soon…. Yeah I love you to curly” He laughed hanging up.He pulled me closer straight away, lust in his eyes. “Why are you such a bloody tease” He breathed into my neck making me shiver. He smirked back satisfied that eh hadn’t gotten me back. “Time to go” He whispered into my ear, sending chills down my back again, as he stroked my bare shoulder. He chuckled slightly. “It’s funny I’d still get chills just from your touch, and even when we fight it turns me on.” He raised his eyebrow at me intrigued, “Quoting Na Na Na, I like it and is that why you wouldn’t take my hand in the hospital?” I nodded my head, jumping off the car. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips, before heading off to our cars. 

“Race you!” I shouted taking off before he even started the engine. I laughed throwing my head back, he did manage to catch up and it was so close but he won because he cut me off when turning down the dirt track towards the boys. We pulled up at the same time, to see worried looking lads jump off the bench and head towards us. “Your such a cheating ass Louis!” I screamed slapping him on the arm playfully. “Wow guys don’t fight please!” Harry yelled sounding very worried. We gave him confused look then went back to fighting. “What, me the cheat please! You started it!” Louis retorted. “Oh God!” Liam shouted. “Just when I thought they had made up” Zayn said disappointed. “Hey, I was being fair! You've known how to drive longer them me” The boys gave us confused looks. “What?” They said at the same time. “He cut me off! Unfairly, I would have won the race other wise” I said giving him an annoyed look. “Hay! You cheated first by starting before I was ready” He spat back. “Wait, your fighting over a race?” Harry asked relaxing a little.

 “Well, yeah what else would we fight about” I said as Louis pulled me over pinching me on the bum. I jumped on his back pulling his ears. The boys all laughed shaking their heads. “Louis immature Tomlinson is back!” Harry said sarcastically. I jumped off Louis and he waltzed over to Harry throwing his arms around him. “He never left you baby” We all laughed. Rolling our eyes at them but I guess thats just the Stylinson bromance for you. “Maybe Na Na Na should be your song now, you make up and break up way to much for me to keep up” Liam joked and I just rolled my eyes. “Come on lets head home guys I’m tired” I announced climbing back into my baby. “Cya when you get home” I yelled racing off down the road.

I woke the next morning to the sound of music. I got up wrapping my robe around me. I yawned as I walked down the stairs and into the little studio. I found Louis singing along to one of the songs playing on the stereo. “I have the perfect song” I announced which startled him a little. I ignored his confused look and walked over putting on Come Closer - Justice Crew. “The way you put it down, down, down, I’ll go the extra mile, mile, mile, the badest in the crowd, crowd, crowd, and I want you right now, now, now” Louis sang as I shaked my hips moving to the beat.

 “Come closer baby” I sang gesturing with my finger for him to come closer. He practically ran pulling me into his arms, placing his hands on my waist and mine around his neck, I moved my hips, his hands moving with them. “Come closer baby baby oh oh oh” I sang again as we danced along to the beat. I pulled away walking towards the piano. “Don’t walk away, give me more, I’m ready for the encore, can stop my heart when your aroounnnddd.” He continued pointing to me. “I got it bad, you get it, it must be love, no kidding.” I giggled walking over to him. “ And I can’t shake this feeling, got me wrapped around your finger baby can’t you see you bring the animal out in me” I purred pulling him closer and in for a kiss. As we  kept our bodies moving in sink.

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