The cure

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I was about to turn the knob when I heard something so incredible that i couldn't even believe my own ears.

"Sir we think we may have found the cure."


They gotta be Shitting me right now right????

Does this mean I can be a normal teenager, and date Shinoa without worries?

I burst into the door without even knocking.

"GUREN!!!! is it true that you guys found a cure?!?!"

"W-what the- Yuu!!!!"

"Answer my question!!!"

He sighed and looked at me with his violet eyes which were red from crying.

"Yes, son we found a cure..."

I felt tears once again streaming down my face. I ran and gave his a hug. I broke down in his arms and sobbed.

"Dad..... I'm so sorry for all the stupid shit I said before.... you don't know how much I needed you when I was at the orphanage... I felt so alone... but now... we can be together especially since there is a cure now.... we can be the family that I've always wanted..."

He hugged me tighter and whispered

"Of course, Yuu."

I pulled away from him and wiped my tears.

"I'll be right back, I need to tell the squad!"

He smiled at me while wiping his own tears as I ran out of the room.

After telling the squad, we were all huddled up in Guren's office.

"Wait so there's a cure now but how do we distribute it to everyone in Japan?"

Mitsuba asked.

"Well, Ms impatient, we could carry it in our chopper tanks and spray it in everyone, since it only takes seconds for the cure to work."

Guren said to Mitsuba.

"We should start now. The sooner the better."

Shinoa said.

Everyone nodded their heads and Guren shouted

"Well let's get to work


Guren turned on the intercom and ordered every single soldier to report to his office immediately. When everyone was there he went over the plan. 4 squads would cover each region of Japan that way there was a slim chance of not distributing the cure effectively.

Within a few hours all the choppers were loaded with the cure and were ready to go.

My squad was assigned the western part of Japan.

I nervously looked out of the window as we began to rise into the sky.

Shinoa must have noticed this because in no time she had grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

I might be falling for yuu (a yuunoa fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum