Chapter 4

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**Fred's POV**

My robes are smoking slightly as I walk towards Dumbledore's office. I doubt it help the innocent image I'm trying to portrait. Although, after six years, I doubt that works on Dumbledore anyway.

"Bubblenut," I say. Since George and I go here so often, McGonagall gives us the password at the start of the year. Just makes it easier.

I knock on the door and wait. I can hear talking inside and carefully lean my ear against the door.

"-perhaps you could redirect your energy into something more productive."

"So, you're not expelling me?"


Dumbledore chuckles.

"My dear, in all my years as Headmaster, I have never expelled a student, and I've dealt with worse than you. One of whom is standing outside the door, waiting for me to attend to him."

He knows! I step away from the door quickly and lean against the wall, trying to look casual. Alissa comes out and walks down stairs without so much as a glance in my direction.

"Come in, Mr Weasley," Dumbledore calls. I walk in and sit down. Dumbledore pushes his jar of sherbert lemons towards me.

"No thanks," I say. He smiles.

"Fred, then," he says, "George always takes one. What did you do this time?"

"Well, this time it was partially an accident," I tell him, "see, we were in charms and we were supposed to be making a tea cosie turn into a rabbit, but we thought it would be more fun to turn it into a  salamanda-"

"Undoubtably more interesting."

"- But as you can see, we didn't do it quite right," I finish. Dumbledore chuckles.

"I do so enjoy your visits," he says, "althought I am sure that professor Flitwick has enough to deal with, without you blowing up his classroom."

"Alissa, you mean," I say. Dumbledore nods.

"She's having a hard time adjusting," he says, "it seems she doesn't have many friends."

"Because she doesn't want any," I say, "she's done all she can to be the outcast."

"Have you ever wondered why?" Dumbledore asks ponderingly, "an attractive young lady like Alissa, shouldn't she be the centre of attention?"

"No, sir," I smirk, "that's my spot."

He laughs.

"That's why I've chosen you," he says, "I've noticed you've had a few interactions with her and I would like for you to be friends with her."

"I've tried, she hates me," I say, "she says twins are unnatural."

Dumbledore nods seriously.

"I'm going to tell you something in the strictest confidence," he says, "and I think it will explain a lot about Alissa's behaviour."


I walk into dinner and see Alissa sitting at the end of Ravenclaw's table, alone. I take a deep breath and walk over and sit opposite her. She looks up at me and groans.

"Will you leave me alone?"

"Can't, Headmaster's orders," I say, looking up at the staff table. Dumbledore gives me a small nod, which I acknowledge with a salute. Alissa puts aside the book she's reading.

"He said that you're one of the worst students he's dealt with," she says, "what have you done that's so bad?"

"You know the things you've been doing? George and I have done them all before," I tell her, "carving initials in the desk, first year, exploding a potion, first year, setting a desk alight and toasting marshmallows, second year, except we made toast, much healthier and filling."

She narrows her eyes at me.

"How come you haven't been expelled, then?" she demands.

"Dumbledore believes in second chances," I shrug, "and in my case, third, fourth, fifth... Two-hundredth."

"What would I have to do to get expelled?" she asks.

"Let's see... The last person who was expelled was accused of opening a secret chamber of a great dark wizard and releasing a monster that attacked many students and killed one," I say, "short of that, I think he'd forgive anything."

"You can't be serious."

I nod and take a long drink of pumpkin juice.

"'Fraid you're stuck here," I tell her, "might as well make the best of it.".


n Saturday morning I arrive at breakfast before Alissa, so I take that to mean that I can ate at the Gryffindor table. I sit down with a couple of girls and get chatting with them. Raquel and I get into a heated debate about whether Krum or Lynch is the better seeker.


Someone elbows me hard in the side. I look around to see Alissa sliding into the seat beside me.

"What?" I ask.

"Would you help me blow up part of the school?"


"Please, Fred?"


"What if I went on a date with you?"


She sighs, frustrated.

"Look," I say, "why don't you give Hogwarts a try? Make some friends, get to know us. The Triwizard Tournement is going to be brilliant, you don't want to miss it."

"I want to go home," she snaps, standing up. I stand too.

"Come for a walk," I say, "come on."

I take her arm and walk outside. I walk with her down to the lake and sit on the bank.

"Tell me about Australia," I tell her. She looks at me.

"Just, tell me what you miss."

She sighs and shakes her head.

"I miss my room," she says, "having my own space."

"What does it look like?"

"It's got light purple walls with white curtains that have silver sequins around the edges. The ceiling is white too. My bed is black iron with dark purple covers and my desk is white. It's got vines drawn on the legs, going up to the top with a matching chair," she sighs and tucks her knees up.

"What about the rest of your house? Your yard?"

She laughs a little.

"We live on a farm, so we have a lot of room. We have sheep, cows, horses and a few chickens. And the dogs, working dogs."

"What are their names?"

"The dogs?"

"All of the animals."

"The sheep and cows don't have names," she says, "there's too many of them. Our horses are Belle, Jez, Kalli and our draught horse is called Carlton. We have six dogs, Millie, Rufus, Job, Snap, Jake and Haz. Job, Snap, Jake and Haz are Millie and Rufus' puppies. Millie has a litter every year, but we only keep one of the puppies, the rest go to the pet shop.

"We have a pool out the back and after we go riding in the summer we'll jump into it, fully clothed, to cool down."


"My brother and I," she says, "Toby."

"Do you just have the one brother?"

She's silent for a long time, then she looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"Now I do."

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