I looked the circle members directly in the eyes feeling mine drop their glamour. My eyes had become pitch black. No pupil, no iris and no white outside. Just darkness. "As fast as a flap of my wings." I responded to Magnus also uncurling my golden wings from against my back. The taller one on the left made a start for Magnus. My lip curled up in a growl and Magnus lifted a hand using his magic to stop him in his place. I pulled away from Magnus and clenched my fists ready to fight back. He struggled against the high warlock of Brooklyn's powers before making coughing and choking sounds.

    "We've endured worse." He managed to let out. If I was a cat the hair on my back would be standing up straight.

    "Magnus he can still speak. I think you need to squeeze harder." I glared at the men in front of me who dared to come into Pandemonium and start a fight. Magnus glanced over at me anger in his eyes and with a blink of his cat eyes he turned back to our guests.

   "You've inflicted worse. Leave." The shadow hunters didn't immediately back off. They decided to have a little staring contest instead. I growled at them again and with one last look at the two most powerful warlocks in Brooklyn they walked out of the club.

    Magnus turned to me, a frown on his face. "Katherine, when I am dealing with the circle you do not need to get involved. Talk to as many Shadowhunters as you want but if they have circle runes do not talk to them. I don't trust shadowhunters, but I really don't trust circle members." Magnus turned to me and put his glamour back into place. My eyes faded to their chocolate brown and my wings transformed back into a Mundie back tattoo.

    "But Magnus, I have been by your side for hundreds of years.  You've raised me since I was little. This club is mine just as much as it is yours and I don't like that type of shadowhunters threatening what is mine." I stood my ground against him and raised my chin slightly in defiance.

    "You have been by my side as my daughter, not my partner Katherine. I have raised you since you were fifteen and it has been too many years for you to now start to get reckless. I may not be your birth father but I have been in your life like one. I own this club. You are an honorary member. Kat," He was being stern with me and I started to lower my head. He placed his hand on top of my hair in a comforting gesture. "I know I can be harsh with you but I do it because I care about you. What were you saying before I left the couch?"

    I looked at him through my lashes. "There was a boy. Very tall, dark, extremely handsome." I felt my smile come back onto my face. "Oh Mag, you would have loved him... But I call dibs." I spun away from Magnus locating Pretty boy walk into the VIP section. I waved a lazy goodbye flick over my shoulder before following him through the black curtains. I picked up two glasses from one of the waiters and drank one before carrying the other into the VIP section with me.

I kept to the shadows as a blond walked into the room. The blond had runes all over his body. I looked at the other patrons and saw the girl with white hair and my Pretty boy exchange looks with the blond. Were they all shadow hunters? They all looked like they knew each other and if one was a Shadowhunter, they all were.

The girl stripped off her coat and walked up to one of the poles. Her white wig came off and out tumbled long dark brown hair. As she started dancing all the demons walked over to her and I saw she had runes all over her body. Two out of three, Pretty boy had to be one too. The blond walked over to one of the girls who was dressed in a magenta dress and a young red head girl snuck into the room. I watched as the blond attempted to seduce the girl and I looked over and saw that pretty boy was glaring at them. More specifically he was glaring at the girl who was all over the blond in response to his advances. My guess was that they are very close with each other.

Fire & Desire (Alec Lightwood)Where stories live. Discover now