Memoirs of a Teenage Vampire Queen-Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

I cried because inside, at this very moment, I knew I was destined to be alone forever.

I cried because at 17, this was just too much to handle. Had I been 30, they would have called this a mid life crisis.

I cried because I should have been able to escape to fantasy, yet I could not for I lived it.

I cried because I had no escape from reality.


This calls for some epic music, but this short piece was all I could think of. Again. Boo me, no link.

Kesson Daslef by Aphex Twin

Now, it's only 1:19 long so play it until Chases POV


Or did I?

Standing up, I walked over to my open window and walked out on to the balcony, leaning over the railing and evaluating the damage that would be done were I to jump.

I spread my arms out, and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.


I jumped.

I felt the wind on my face as I free fell to the ground, meeting my certain death. I imagine the gravel stuck in my wounds should hurt, but they didn't.

Death was beautiful.

I stood in a single brightly lit room, the walls painted with a bright white and the floor beneath me like golden bricks. I had on a long flowing plain white dress and my hair was down, flowing freely. There was no pain, no hurt in my heart, no words stinging my ears, no tears drenching my face. Was I in heaven? I tilted my head toward the ceiling and witnessed one of the greatest creations ever, beautiful puffy white, marshmallow clouds. As I stood and stared in awe, a single droplet of water fell onto the tip of my nose.

I opened my eyes, to find myself standing perfectly still on the balcony outside of my room. As more rain drops started to fall, I looked down the side of the mansion at the other balconies, to see Trey staring at me, arms crossed, a stern look on his face.

"Come here Missy." He said, talking to me as if I was a child and he was my superior. I looked at him and continued my sobbing, shaking my head no.

"NOW." He said sternly.


Treys POV


My breath caught in my chest as the thought of her jumping off of the balcony drifted out of her mind and into mine. I watched her carefully, preparing my self to jump were she to decide she would.

My body shook with rage toward Chase, simply for hurting her. My mind raced, screaming commands to my mouth, which didn't open for fear if it did, that it would push her over the edge.

I watched silently as a rain drop fell and hit the tip of her nose, splashing expertly into tiny little droplets, my arms crossed.

"Come here, Missy." I said, sternly, trying to show her I really needed her to come to me.

She shook her head and sobbed, still debating a jump.

"NOW." I said, my body shaking with fear.

My heart melted in my chest when she turned toward safety and walked down the hall and into my room, shutting the door behind her.

She sunk to the floor, tears free falling, smearing what was left of her make up and staining her pastel colored shirt.

I walked over to her, hands tucked in my pockets. Watching.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2009 ⏰

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