The Killing Game

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"We shall try something new today

We are going to do things my way

This is my favorite invention

It showcases my dark intentions

It brings out the monster in you

Your evil seen by so few

Believing there's no demons in your head is denial

It's time to let them come out and play awhile

Only one player gets out alive

All the others cannot survive

It's not easy to win

To do so you must sin

Murder, rape, and torture no doubt

You'll surely lose if you rule them out

Yet murder shall always have final say

Killing is how you play

It's time for your darkness to be released

For all domestication to fully cease

To win, unbearable pain you must cause and sustain

Welcome to The Killing Game"

Chapter One

"Where are we going exactly?" asked Lewis. The car trudged through the darkness on the dirt road. The tinted windows made it impossible to see the passing trees as they drove deep into the woods.

"I told you, to my house. You're not nervous are you? You're merely signing the deeds." replied Dalv.

"Oh no, not at all. If anything I'm excited. Uh, Mr.Oren?"

"Yes?" replied Dalv.

"May I ask you a question?"

"Certainly, young man."

"Why do you live out here? You're wealthy enough to own something closer to your work." said Lewis.

"I like my privacy. No one needs to snoop into my personal business." replied Dalv.

"I understand that entirely. I just don't think I could make such a transition. I've lived in the city my whole life." said Lewis.

"You should broaden your horizons."

"What do you mean?" asked Lewis.

"You live in a tiny, sheltered box. There's more to you than obedience, stocks, your wife, and watching football. You're trying, and sadly succeeding, at being a good boy."replied Dalv.

"Isn't that a positive thing?" asked Lewis, confused.

"There's your problem. You think only in good terms as well. Being good is boring, domesticating. Being bad is fun and natural. You're capable of it. Every person has a good and bad side. Every human has the mind set and physical ability to do things they've imagined in their wildest dreams and seen in their most horrific nightmares. A good example: good people tap into their bad side on instinct to survive or save someone they love. Sometimes they just go crazy and stick with that. Bad people tap into their good side when they feel guilt or remorse, or perhaps love for someone. Every saint has been a sinner and every sinner can be a saint. Don't be ashamed by this, it's human."

"Forgive me sir, but I think you're wrong. I've been good my whole life. I've never misbehaved, never had a detention, never got arrested, I've always done what I'm supposed to do." replied Lewis.

"You've had the urge though, haven't you?"

"No, I haven't."

"Really? I'm certain you have. You've never been cut off by someone while driving and just had the urge to ram their vehicle? You've never been in an argument with someone and wanted to hit them as hard as you could? You've never been in bed with your wife or a girlfriend and wanted to do something they didn't like simply because you wanted it, or you wanted to hear them scream?" asked Dalv.

"Those things are just a brief feeling of anger or lust. I don't act on such things, most people don't." said Lewis, feeling anger at Dalv for such personal probing.

"Ah, but that's my point. You have those thoughts, fantasies, feelings. That's your darkness trying to come out. You can't keep it down forever, it's not healthy. It's not fun." laughed Dalv. His laugh loud and hearty, yet also somewhat bitter.

"If it's not right then there's no question, I won't do it."

"You want to hurt me for this conversation don't you? Slam your fist into my nose? Push me out of the car? Yell and cuss at me, call me names you've never said aloud?" asked Dalv, his rough but almost deep voice rumbling.

"Perhaps I do, but I would never act on such impulses." replied Lewis, curtly.

"What if I told you to? What if I said you won't get to sign that deed if you don't? What if I told you that if you didn't break bust my lip and smash some of my teeth right now that I'd do worse to you?" asked Dalv, his eyes a pool of darkness.

"I...I wouldn't do it." replied Lewis, nervous. Dalv laughed again.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't do that to you."

"So you weren't serious at all?"

"Oh, I was. I just wasn't serious about forcing you to hurt me." said Dalv as they pulled into his driveway.

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