make-up,clothes,and cars

448 18 3

Once again at the Death mansion

Maka sets her pot on the table, before looking back and forth the between the sisters. The twin guns are already decked out for the night.

Liz in a bright red wrap dress and strappy heeled wedge sandals, Patty in a pair of tight leather pants, a pick halter top and her pink cowboy boots. Tsubaki looks at herself and Maka, both in their normal clothes. "Well, let's get to work on you two." Liz beams.

"Can we eat first?" Patty asks drooling over the pasta. "Sure whatever." Liz waves her off. The girls head to the kitchen, Tsubaki lugging the pot of pasta in. "What makes you think I'm going to go along with this?" Maka asks, thinking she was going to end up going to calm the sisters down. The food gets dished up and they begin to eat.

"When was the last time you just let go?" Liz asks, and Maka looks down sheepishly. "Umm, first grade maybe?" she mumbles. "Exactly, just let go and have fun tonight! Don't care about anything." Maka gets ready to protest when Tsubaki speaks up. "Maka, even I'm going to go crazy tonight." Maka looks at her in shock. "Define crazy." She says and Tsubaki smiles. "Tomorrow morning I might be shirtless in a jail cell with a hangover." Tsubaki says, still smiling. Maka's eyes go wide, really even Tsubaki?

The twin pistols whoop in delight. You know what? I don't care anymore, if it comes down to it, I can blame the other girls and the alcohol. "Okay, I'm in but we need rules." Maka gives in making the other three girls cheer. "Two rules, no sex and no murder." Tsubaki says firmly and the other girls nod. "Everything else goes." Maka says, surprising herself.

They finish eating and Liz grabs Maka's hand dragging her to her bedroom to get her changed. Patty does the same with Tsubaki, leaving the dishes still on the table for someone else to take care of.

Maka P.O.V.

I look at myself in the mirror and immediately open my mouth to protest. Then I stop myself, remember you decided to do this, and I look pretty hot. I've kept my clunky black combat boots, the ones with the skull-crushing steel toes, but that's all I've kept. I've got on a pair of black short shorts, showing off my legs, and I'm in a blue tank top, one with tears in the back showing of the green cami below. My hairs got glitter in it and is up in a messy bun, one strand of hair falling along the side of my face. "You look nice, and the best part is no matter what you do, none of your lady bits will show unless you want them to." Liz gives me a thumbs up and I smile back, showing my approval. "Let's go." I say, heading out, my boots giving a satisfying clunk with every step.

Tsubaki P.O.V.

I laugh softly at Patty as she dances around, singing about rainbows and giraffes. I look down one more time, checking out the outfit I had picked. The skirt fit fine, it was white and ended just above the knee. It was skin tight with a slit up both sides, both ending at the top of my thigh.

The shirt didn't fit as well, Patty had a big chest but it wasn't as big as mine, which meant I was stretching it out a bit. It was a long-sleeved deep blue one, simple in the front with nothing but a black cross on it, but the back was different. The back was cut in a V showing off the skin all the way to my lower back, well if you moved my hair. I had let it down, and it trailed down to below my butt, covering most of the back slit.

I had let Patty put me in a pair of white peep toe stilettos too, completing the outfit. The door opened behind me and out came Maka and Liz. I smiled sweetly at them and they both smiled back. "First stop, our neighbors." Liz yells throwing open the front doors. Maka and I look at each other questioningly, before following the sisters.

Maka P.O.V.

This was crazy, awesome but crazy. All four of us stood in front of the shiny black Bugatti convertible, gaping in awe. It was obviously a custom since along one side the name: Tyler Kagami, was written in fancy red letters. "How did you know this was here?" I ask in awe. "I didn't, all I knew was he was rich, so he must have a fancy car or two." Liz says swinging the keys around on one finger.

We had gotten in easily, the guy was having a fancy dinner, so we snuck in the open front door, found his room jacked the keys labeled: MY BABY, and took the key to the garage. Ten minutes later and here we were piling into the best car I had ever seen.

"Who's driving?" I asked jumping in the back seat. "I'll do it!" Tsubaki says, bouncing around in excitement. It turned on with a quiet purr, but I could feel the power flowing through the car. With the press of a button the garage door opens silently. "Let's go!" Patty screams from her seat on the consul between Liz and Tsubaki.

Tsubaki punches it, shooting out on to the driveway. From there it's a short burst to the highway, and we turn to the left. In a few short seconds we're on the streets of Death City. I throw my hands up in the air as Liz turns on the radio, turning it all the way up. I sing along as Eminem's Berzerk blares.

We whip through the short streets, going about one sixty, not even close to the top speed of around two fifty. Tsubaki stops in front of a club in a deserted part of town. I can feel the beat pounding from way out here. This is some place I've never been before, but I don't see anyone. In fact I don't think I've seen anyone since this whole thing started.

I hop over the side, "Time to really get started." I say, walking towards the door. Liz cheers and we make our way inside. There's glitter floating through the air and the place is packed with people, dancing and drinking. Strobe lights flash through the air, illuminating the dancers, and, up front, pole dancers. The floor pulses with the beat as I make my way to my first stop, the bar. After buying a bottle of strawberry kiwi vodka, I pop it open take a swig and hit the dance floor.

The next five hours are full of dancing, bottles of flavored vodka and Jell-O shots. Somewhere along the way I lose a boot and my belt, not that it matters. I switch from partner to partner, dancing with girls, boys, and the occasional stripper. I don't grind though, it's a little too yuck for me, but I do dance my heart out. Somehow most of us end up out on the street still swigging drinks and dancing.

We stop though when a siren wails a couple streets down. "COPS!" someone yells and we all scatter. I head for the car, still somehow not slurring or stumbling like someone as drunk as I am should. When I get to the car I see Liz in the passenger side seat, Patty singing loudly on her lap, Tsubaki shirtless in the driver's seat, black bra and boobs out for everyone to see. I giggle and head to the back end of the car where I jump up on the very back, behind the back seat.

I wonder how I'm going to hold on but I find feet and hand holds. In the back seat, some guy is drinking and singing while two half naked strippers are making out. Tsubaki starts up the car and I take another swig of who knows what.

We zoom off, the wind whipping at my bun. I don't know how it stayed up, but whatever. The sirens wail, now right behind us, they won't catch up though, in their little police cars. About now we're probably going almost full speed. I hang on pretty easily, being a miester and holding Soul has paid off. We turn sharply several times, ending up on the main club street, where all the nicer bars are.

We slow down slightly and I slowly turn and stand, laughing loudly the entire time. It's like I'm surfing on a car, Tsubaki throws her hands up, her big boobs bouncing into the air for all to see. Patty grabs the wheel making us swerve slightly. Liz cranks the radio up again, Major Lazer's Bubbles Butt pounding through the speakers louder than anything I've heard yet today, or night I guess.

All along the street people turn to look at us, and heads pop out of doorways, looking to se who's making all the racket. Behind us the cops are still following, sirens screaming and the intercom telling us to pull over. We don't. I pour the last of my vodka down my throat, "I need a refill!" I scream.

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