Chapter 1

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A.J.'s POV: my life is awesome right now I have good grades in school my own house despite being only 16 and an amazing boyfriend did I mention I was gay? yea his name is Rayan Lopez don't get me wrong rayan isn't perfect he's insensitive, careless, and rude to people sometimes including me but I know he still loves me

"hey babe we still on for tonight?" he asked me

"yea sure" "if you remember to actually SHOW UP tonight"

"oh come A.J. when have I ever not shown up?"

"you really want me to count all the times ray ray?"

"damn that many huh?"

"let's just say it's more than  I can count on both my hands"

"this time'll be different babe I promise"

"if you say so rayan"

"you tyin your hair up tonight?'

"I was planning to y?'

"don't I want your hair to be messy tonight" he said winking at me

that made me blush a little bit

Remember: An A.J. Castillo&Rayan Lopez Short StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz