Chapter 1

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"Hey Mamas"Enzo said looking down at the grave stone that had her name in graved into into it

"How you doing beautiful"he asked sitting down across from her head stone "I got someone that wanted to see you"he said as his daughter, their daughter walked to her head stone

"Mama"their daughter said placing her tiny hand on the head stone

"Yes princess that's mama"he said a sob escaping his throat as the tear fell down his cheeks. A butterfly landed on his hand making him look down at it a smile coming to his lips

"Hi mamas"he said bringing his hand closer to his face

"I miss you il mio Amore"he said watching the butterfly move it wings before landing on his cheek

"I can't help but to cry mamas"he said as the butterfly landed back on his hand

"Our little girl wonders about you"he said before the butterfly flys off and lands on their little girls shoulder

"She looks so much like you even has your sassy attitude already"he said laughing and crying at the same time

"Mamas it's hard so hard to do this with out you"he said sobbing "we were suppose to raise her together"he said "mamas I need you"he said wiping away his tears "It's not fair that you were taken away from her, from us. Your her mommy your my wife, we are a family you shouldn't have been taken away"he said "why couldn't you have taken me instead"he said looking up at the sky "I would've gladly taken her place"he said sobbing

"Dada"their daughter said holding up her arms to be picked up

"Daddy's okay princess"he said when she placed her tiny hands on his cheeks
"Just missing mommy"he said kissing her forehead

"I love you to mamas"he said when the butterfly landed on his lips before flying off

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