IKEA and the Shrink

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Hello!!!! Here is the first chapter for I Love You . . . I Guess! I tried my best, but I haven’t been feeling that well this week. Thank you so much to everyone who has read it so far. The song for this chapter is Say Something by A Great Big World. Also, please check out my story, The Edict! Please read, vote, comment and recommend. Thank you!!!!! 

Chapter 1: IKEA and the Shrink


“You know we can sit here all day, and you can question me all you want to. You can do all of your weird little mind tricks, but that isn’t going to get me to fucking talk.”

“You’re talking right now.”

“I really don’t like you.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

I glare at the woman sitting across from me who is lounging lightly in one of the grey chairs in her office. Her dark blonde hair is tied off of her face into a tight bun at the back of her head and her legs are crossed. You would think that the way her button down shirt stretches across her breasts that I would be attracted to the young woman, but that could not be farther from the truth. I felt nothing for the person in front of me except for fucking hatred. Okay, I don’t hate her, but I hate what she stands for.

We sit and stare at each other, both of us stubborn enough to not want to be the first one to talk. I cross my arms over my chest and turn my head to look out of the wall of windows on my right. 

The whole office has the modern look to it. The chairs and couches are clean and simple. It all reminds me of something that you could find at the nearest IKEA. The walls are all plain white with pictures of different colored fruit hanging equally spaced out. The whole room lacks of color, lacks of anything comforting. I fidget and try to remain as calm as I possibly can.

I am not used to the cleanness of the space. I am used to dirt and huts with tiny windows.

The one thing that is the same is the lack of safety I feel in the space. 

The heel of my right boot taps up and down on the concrete floors, causing an echo to pass through the room. I unfold my arms and rub my sweaty palms on my jean clad thighs.

Finally the silence gets to me and I quickly let out a labored breath.

“Look, Miss Lynch-”

“I’ve told you, call me Katherine.”

I resist the urge to throw something at her.

“Look, Katherine,” I bite out in between my clenched teeth, “We’ve been at this for five months now and you have gotten nothing out of me. Don’t you think if I wanted to talk I would have by now?”

“I don’t know. People often change their minds about anything several times a day.”

“Yeah, well I haven’t. I would like to be anywhere but here right now.”

With that I push myself out of my chair so fast that it tips over and falls onto the floor. I hear Katherine sigh, but I ignore it and push my way through the heavy glass doors on my way out of the room.

“We are never going to get anywhere if this keeps happening Mr. Valdez,” she calls after me.

Tell me about it.

But there is no way I am telling this lady anything.

The secretary at the front desk calls my name as I stalk out of the room, but I ignore her. I make my way out of the stuffy office and push on the glass doors to go outside. The light touch of rain and against my face and the breeze on my arms makes me clam down slightly, but not enough. I run through the parking lot and throw open the door to my broken down truck before sliding inside. 

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