Love Never Dies

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My thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening. My head shot up and I saw Jane walk in.
"Hey, Maur." she said kicking off her shoes. I stayed quiet and just stared at her.
"What?" she asked walking over to me. I stood up and threw he she took a look at the open page and her eyes went wide.
"Where did you find this?" she asked studying the book.
"In the office. Why didn't you tell me we were engaged?" I asked in a stern voice. She set the book on the coffee table and just shrugged looking at the ground.
"Why wouldn't you tell me?" I asked and she still didn't say anything.
"Was it because you thought I was gonna be too much to handle? Or maybe it was because after I didn't remember you, you suddenly didn't love me anymore."
"No Maura, you don't understand." she replied
"Yeah, well I havn't been able to understand a lot of thing, lately." I said kind of hurt and she noticed.
"No, I didn't mean it like that."
"Yeah, well it's true. I can't remember anything, let alone understand my life."
"I didn't tell you because I thought it would be too much for you to take in. You are trying to find who you are again, and I thought telling you, you were engaged to me would just make things worse."
"God! I hate that! You keep treating me like-like I'm some broken person. I'm not broken, Jane."
"I know you're not."
"Then stop treating me like that! Stop trying to protect me from everything! You won't talk about work because you think it will upset me cause I can no longer do my job, you didn't tell me we were engaged because you think it's gonna be too much! Let me decide what is and isn't too much! Just because I can't remember doesn't mean I can't think for myself!"  I snapped taking her back.
"I'm sorry, Maura. I am."
"You know, this past month I had to keep convincing myself I don't love you. I've been falling for you, hard and you were too busy worrying about me to notice. I had us watch horror movies just so I had a reason to cuddle with you." I confessed
"I honestly only didn't tell you because I was afraid."
"Of what?"
"I was afraid that you would wake up and not want me. You would wake up and realize you wanted to go straight again. I was just scared I lost you, so the easiest way for me to hide my feelings and not get rejected was to just not tell you." she said the tears streaming down her face. I sat us down on the couch and lifted her chin up so she was looking into my eyes.
"I am still in love with you Jane Rizzoli." I said capturing her lips with mine. I wrapped my hands around her neck and she wrapped arms around my waist.

"Your middle name is Clementine?" I asked Jane
"Thank you, thank you very much." she snapped at her mom.

"Maura Dorthea Isles, will you marry me?" Jane asked getting down on one knee,
"Yes!" I squealed pulling her into a kiss.

"NO!" I screamed at Jane before she pulled the tripper shooting Paddy.

"Maura come on, he showed up, he shot our suspect." she said
"No. He shot the guy who tried to run me over with his car yesterday, put my mother in the hospital." I snapped

"Mom! Mom!" I yelled limping over to my mom who laid motionless in the parking lot.

"Does your brain ever get tired?" Jane asked me
"No, why?" I asked confused, writing notes on the clipboard of the victim in front of me on the autopsy table.
"Just of the useless information. No?" she asked and I just laughed.

"Oh god, Jane! Yes right there!" I screamed pulsing through my orgasm. She kissed back up my body to my lips.
"Happy anniversary, baby." Jane said kissing me passionately.

"Hope, there is something I need to tell you." I said looking at Hope.
"I'm Paddy Doyle's daughter, I'm your daughter." I said looking at a shocked Hope.
"No, don't say that. This is my daughter. Cailin, let's just go." she pulling her daughter out the front door.

"Jane!" I screamed running out of BPD, then, just like that, Jane pulled the trigger. The bullet going through both her and Bobby. It felt like it was all in slow motion. I ran to Jane's side as she fell to the pavement, her eyes shutting slowly.

"I think I'm pregnant." Jane said the tears swelling in her eyes as she was held the pregnancy test in her hands. I felt my heart drop.

"Casey's back. He's been back for awhile." Jane said flopping on the couch in my office.
"What did he say?"
"'Good to see you.'"
"Uh oh." I replied and she hit me with a pillow.

"Divorce." I said reading the napkin that Angela had written on.
"What?" Jane asked grabbing the napkin her sobbing mother wrote on.
"We are getting divorced." she said reading the napkin.

"His penis has a pulse." I said checking the man on my autopsy table, Dennis's, pulse.
"Oh my god, he's alive." Jane said panicking.

"Hoye don't you touch her!" Jane screamed as she was being pinned down to the bed and Hoyte came closer to my with a taser.
"No, please." I begged but he tased me making fall back on the bed.
"You're gonna feel a little pinch doctor." he said dragging the scalpel across my neck. The next thing I knew, Frost was lifting me up.
"You alright?" he asked and I nodded seeing Hoyte dead on the floor with a scalpel sticking out of his chest, and the guard dead on the floor.

Every single memory started flowing back. Flashbacks of my life playing my mind, like a movie, both highs and lows. I pulled away from the kiss when air was desperate and looked into Jane's eyes.
"I remember!" I squealed jumping off the couch.
"Remember what?"
"Everything! It's all the back. Every single memory, every single knowledge. Hoye, your parents divorce, when you shot Paddy, when you asked me to marry you, when you confessed your love for me, Casey, when you had a miscarriage, you shooting yourself, Dennis, all of it."
"Maura! This is great!" she said jumping up and pulling me into a hug.
"Wait right here." she said before running out the front door. I sat back on the couch and amazed. I remember everything, I'm back. A few seconds later Jane came back.
"What is it?" I asked as she placed a small object in my hand. I looked down and saw my engagement ring. On the inside of the ring, 'Love never dies' was engraved in it.
"Maura, will you marry me, again?" Jane asked
"Yes! Yes!" I squealed slipping the ring back on my finger then pulling her in a passionate kiss.

Love RemembersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora