Chapter 3

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"Mom we're here!" Kyle's voice rang through the Swartz cabin entrance. Ella was in awe of the so-called cabin. It was huge! When Kyle had told her cabin she thought more quaint and intimate but she quickly figured out his description was way off.

"I thought you said the cabin was small?" She whispered next to him. Kyle smiled as he spotted his sister running down the stairs.

"It is small, by my mother's standards and compared to others around here."

"Kyle, you're finally home!"

"Jellybean!" Both siblings bear hugged each other before the pretty blue-eyed female turned to Ella.

"Hi, I'm Allison, this doofus's much prettier and smarter sister."

Ella was confused.

"Hi Allison, I'm Ella."

"Come on, I'll take you to the room you'll be sharing."

Halting in their steps both Kyle and Ella thought they heard Ally wrong.

"Sharing?" Ella squeaked.

"Yeah, no worries. Mom went over the top for their 40th anniversary and invited almost all of her friends. Max is here also. With almost over 50 people here Dad and Mom agreed you guys would stay on the same room as I'm sure you're both used to you know, each other. But don't worry Ky, I made sure you got your room. Dad was gonna give it to one of his acquaintances but I fought for it."

Her head was spinning as she tried listening to what his little sister was saying. First he lied about the size of the place and then they have to sleep in the same room?? This was moving way too fast for her and she was starting to regret it.

"You ok?" Kyle gave her a worried look but she really didn't know how to answer him.

"Yeah, just too much too fast." Rubbing her temples Ella walked behind the duo until they had reached the last door in the hall.

"Thanks Ally. Tell Mom and Dad we're here and we'll be down for supper." Kyle unceremoniously closed the door in his sister's grinning face. He knew she would be nosy about their relationship. He and Ella would have to be more careful.

Yanking at his tie to loosen it he turned to find Ella demurely sitting at the edge of the bed and studying the carpet. He didn't peg her for the shy type.

"Don't worry you can have the bed and I'll sleep on the floor." She knew it wouldn't be fair of her to have him sleep in the same room and on the floor, especially since it was his room afterall. But then again she was the one doing him a favor and he should have known to make sure they were in separate rooms.

Sighing he waited for her to say something. He thought it kind of cute how she furrowed her eyebrows when she was in deep thought. "I promise I won't bite."

That made her raise her eyebrow at him. "Kyle, everyone knows you have a hard time keeping it in your pants."

"Haha you're funny. Where'd you hear that rumor?" Turning red, he was embarrassed with her knowledge of his indescretions.

Giving him the same look she shook her head. "All the tabloids, dear."

"Ok, ok. So maybe I'm not the relationship type. Maybe I'm the wine, dine, and thanks for a good time kind of guy."

"That's too bad." Jokingly she bit her lip and tilted her head to the side. "I'm more of a wam, bam, thank you man kinda a girl."

"You are not," he accused. "You've probably never even had a one night stand." He watched as her face turned red.

"No, I'm not that wild. Besides I haven't clicked with a guy to just fall in bed with him."

"Hmm...interesting." Studying her, Kyle quickly realized that Ella was not  the type of girl he would normally associate with. She was more the elegant, prim, and proper, girls his mother tried to set him up with.

A knock on the door broke them out of their thoughts. Staring at the door neither made a move to check who it was. Finally, after what seemed like half an hour, Kyle walked over and creaked it open.


"Mom says come down. All the guests have arrived and she's brought out some refreshments."

"Ok, just give us a few minutes. Casual or up tight?"

"Half and half?" Nodding his head, he thanked his sister before gently closing the door behind him.

Ella had finally moved from the bed and her movement in the bathroom caught his eye. With both hands braced against the bathroom sink, her head was hung forward and her hair fell, shielding her face from his eyes.

"Hey," knocking three times he gently opened the door a little wider to stick his head in. She didn't bother looking up.


"It's showtime," he breathed, as Ella quickly raised her eyes to meet his.

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