The Final Chapter

Start from the beginning

Anyway, long ramble over, I'm sorry that I wasn't braver, but I don't think I could've left if I'd told you guys, please, don't hate me too much. There won't be a day where I won't think of all of you. Keep rocking, maybe someday soon I'll be another nameless face in the crowd when The Tide play Madison Square Gardens or New Hope Club are headlining the Staples Center and boys, take care of my girls or I will hunt your asses down.

My love forever,

Brenda xx"

      There was silence, all of us had started to cry, even Drew had to pause while he read as his voice started to crack.

      "No," Nate said, "She's not gone" He pulled out his phone, pressing call on her contact and putting it on speaker.

      "The number you tried calling has been disconnected" the monotone robotic voice spoke.

      Megs squeezed my hand in hers, while I closed my eyes, trying to remember how to breathe as I felt my lungs caving in.

      "Her social media is all gone too," Rosie spoke, showing us her phone, "Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, even her Snapchat"

      "Of course it's all gone, she'll have thought of everything to cut us off from finding her" Megs spoke slowly.

      "Let's look at the cards," Drew spoke and started to hand out each one to their owner, "I'll go first, mine says 'Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year', favourite All Time Low lyrics, should've known"

      "Mine says 'Smooth little shit', I'm assuming that's about when I kissed Rosie" George laughed.

      "'Go for it already', what does that mean?" Reece asked, "She means date Emma already," Megs deadpanned, "Who's next?"

      "'We shall never know all the good a simple smile can do,'" Austin read, "I know the reasoning behind mine it's alright" he cut off Megs' explanation of Brenda's thoughts.

      "5SOS," Rosie breathed out a laugh, "Mine is 'Find something that makes you happy and don't let anyone take it away from you'"

      "Megs, is your favourite Twenty One Pilots lyrics, 'I know my soul's freezing, hell's hot for good reason'?" Levi asked.

      "How did you-" She turned to see him holding his card with the lyric written on it.


      "'Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light'"

      "Similar to mine, 'Darkness exists only to make true light count', reminder of our original friendship I bet," Lucy spoke, "Nate, you're up"

      He breathed deeply and turned the small card over in his hand, "'And you were the one who dared me to dream, who taught me how to be free'"

      "Blake, do you want me to go first?" Megs asked, everyone looking at me as I had yet to say anything about her letter. I still didn't think I was capable of any words other than her name so I nodded.

      "Oh my god, it says 'Never change' she was the only one I told about that, I can't believe she remembered" Megs burst into a fresh flood of tears, Levi hugging her tightly.

      "Blake, it's your turn" Rosie spoke gently.

      "I can't, if I read this, she's really gone" I whispered looking at the card in between two of my fingers.

      "Mate, you know we'd bring her back if we could" Austin offered.

      "Okay, it says, 'You make me feel like I got it all, and you make me feel like I don't ever wanna grow up, maybe we're just kids in love', our song, she quoted our song"

      After reading the card, I was unable to hold back my emotions anymore. I just started to cry, embraced quickly by Megs who was still beside me.

      "She's gone, she said it would always be us"

      "I know Blake, I'm sorry"

      "We have to find her"

      "Blake, you know we won't find her unless she wants to be found"

      "I can't just give up on her" I stated, even though most of me knew she was right, how were we supposed to just give up on her?

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