Rosie and Megs burst out laughing loudly, Megan and Lucy being slightly more inconspicuous about it, Nathan blushing red, "No-one proved that"

      "Listen here 'honey'," the sarcasm and threat in Lucy's voice clear, "I don't know what it is with you Castlebay boys that makes you such assholes, but that lead singer boyfriend of hers is about one minute away so kindly remove yourself because he won't take kindly to you hitting on his girlfriend"

      "Brenda and I have history, she knows we're meant to be"

      "Nathan we have as much history as the number of IQ points in your head, get a life," I retorted before clinging onto Rosie beside me after spotting a familiar face coming our way, "Why did no-one warn me that Blake would look this good?"

      "Going weak at the knees there Brenda?" Megan joked.

      "Brenda's knees are always weak for Blake" Rosie cast a smirk in my direction before I playfully glared at her, Blake having seen us by now and arrived over.

      "Girls" He smiled.

      "Blake, I don't think you've met Nathan here, he seems to think he can get with Brenda" Megs pointed at the boy who was yet to remove himself from the area.

      "Nah man I'm not letting her go for anyone, especially not to another Castlebay boy" He moved his arm around my waist protectively as he spoke.

      "Alex was right when he called you a bitch" Nathan mumbled.

      "How is he dealing with the rejection Nath?" I grinned, "Girls were one thing for him, I guess he just couldn't handle the embarrassment of Levi and his female bestfriend handing his ass to him on a plate, could he?"

      Nathan rolled his eyes and walked away to whatever skank he'd convinced into being his date and Blake looked at me, "Any other boys from your past I need to worry about? I thought you'd never had boyfriends before me?" He laughed.

      "Hmmm well" I joked before he pulled me into a hug.

      "Right you two, don't move" Megs commanded and I saw Lucy pulling her camera out of her bag.

      "Oh hell no!" I laughed, "I don't do pictures"

      "You're a photographer, that's hypocritical" Megs laughed.

      Blake pulled his phone out of his pocket, "Rosie take one for me too please"

      "Blake I thought you loved me" I fake pouted.

      "I do, but I need something to show the world my beautiful girlfriend on her night," He kissed the side of my head, "Now smile for me please"

      I huffed before doing as he'd asked, my friends in front of me aww'ing constantly.

      "Brenda? Is that you?" A female voice called from behind me.

      "Miss Hollis?"

      The short woman rushed over and hugged me tightly, "Look at you, so grown up, et tres belle! And this young man is?"

      "This is Blake, my boyfriend, and these are my bestfriends, Megan, Lucy, Megs and Rosie, we all know each other from touring with The Vamps"

      "Ah yes! I remember you telling me, isn't this the one you loved before you left? She talked about you so much-" She turned to Blake now.

      "Ah Miss I think that's enough story-telling" I laughed before she rushed off to speak to someone else she had seen.

      "Well she was, interesting," Blake laughed before smirking, "You told her about me?"

      "She was like a second Mammy to me when I did French GCSE, I got food and everything"

      "Okay you two you need to go or you'll stand here all night" Rosie began shooing us off.

      "I'm okay with that," I laughed, "Anyways, what are you guys doing tonight then?"

      "The boys promised each of us a proper date," Lucy explained, "And Drew is doing your job I think, seems like your dad didn't want him to be left alone"

      "Drew is currently being a waiter?" Blake laughed looking up from changing his phone lockscreen to the picture of us Rosie had taken just minutes ago, "Maybe he'll find himself a girl"

      I scoffed, "Castlebay girls aren't worth it"

      "You were" Blake was looking in my eyes and I could hear the girls awe behind me again.

      "When did I get lucky enough to have you?" I laughed and hugged him.

      "WILL YOU TWO LEAVE ALREADY?" Megan joked, causing all of us to laugh.

      "And don't be at any funny business, right Rosie?" Megs winked at me now.

      "Take your own advice guys, make sure Levi and George keep their hands to themselves"

Castlebay // Blake RichardsonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant