Chapter seven:Monsters in the dark

Start from the beginning

"Um Anna I could *cough• see your bra, here have my jumper Hun." Shanice Said handing me her baby blue jumper. I took it quickly and muttered a thanks.

"How about we go to my place my parents are out of town, I have Nutella." She said smiling.

"Sure that be wonderful."


"Wow I never thought Nutella would taste that great with pickles yea know." I said taking another bite of the pickle. Not really a pickle fan but it sure did taste better with Nutella.

"Yea I'd been trying new things since my parents aren't here with business and stuff." Shanice said with a mouthful of pickles so I couldn't really understand what she said.

I look around her room, I love her Christmas lights the most and her room was very relaxing especially her bed.

To Old Man:

Hey dad! Umm what ever happen last I'm very sorry but to just let you know I'm at my friends house Shanice! :) Hope you had fun with Uncle Niall at the Golf Course. Xxx

After the text me and Shanice decided to watch some scary movies, why did I agree with her to this. I'm not really a scary movie person since I scream like a lunatic on every little pop out.

We're watching the Conjuring and holy cheese it's this movie is so creepy. "No don't leave your bed go back you stupid girl!" Shanice scream throwing the popcorn at the tv.

"Hey Shance don't waste food like that!" I said picking up the popcorn front of the tv when a pop out should again with a ugly lady face. "AAAAHHHH!" I cream and ran back to Shanice.

"Hahahahahhahahaaha! Omg Anna you should of seen your face! Haha!" Shanice laugh clutching on her stomach for air.

I stick out my tongue and turn off the tv. "What ever let's see what other movies you have here........Shanice why do you have a movie of my dad and his band?" I said giving her odd look.

She put her hands up. "Hey! This is some of my mums old movies, but we could watch it since your a scary cat and you could see how your dads life was as a teen." Shanice said pressing play on the tv.

From Old Man:

Annalise come home already it's getting pretty late.

I turn my iPhone off. "We could watch this movie another time ShaSha my old man wants me home." I said giving her a hug.

"Hey next time invite me to a party Anna!" Shanice scream before closing the door going back to her room while I'm walking home in the rain.

I wrap Shanice sweater tighter and notice it was a white sweater with all these stupid weird tattoos. I took it off and look at it weird, who in the world would get a tattoo of a butterfly on there stomach.


I look up to see Josh smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and got in the car feeling the warmth on my skin. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes.

Josh let out a cough. "Annalise I could see your blue should really put that sweater back on." He said really awkward and look back to the rainy road.

"Umm no okay, dude isn't this like the weirdest tattoo sweater ever?" I said, but for some reason I recognize these ridiculous tattoos.

I didn't get a response from Josh but by the time I look up we made it to my house that I basically hate. Like our house is a mansion with twelve rooms and we only use 4/12 and I hate living like this. I miss living in a simple house with normal neighbors or going where ever you want without paparazzi's.

"Josh do you know what exactly happen last night?"

"Nope because I wasn't there since I had better things to do like sleep, eat, and not kissing my friends when I'm drunk ." He said closing my door and drove off.

I stood there thinking what he said but heard my name being called. "Annalise come inside its rainy!" I turn around seeing my dad with a umbrella that needed since I left the house.

"Thanks dad umm could you please tell me what happen last night and could we order pizza I'm starving!" I shouted skipping to the kitchen hearing a laugh from my dad.

"Annalise do me a favor and put a sweater on I could see your er ya know..."

I felt my cheeks get warm an I quickly put the tattoo sweater on. Talk about awkward.

My dad let out a laugh. "Anna where did you get that sweater from? It look pretty awesome especially the butterfly tattoo." He said placing his hands on his chin grinning like a child.

"My friend Shanice actually and dad c'mon these tattoos are ridiculous!"

"What!? C'mon Annalise those are my tattoos! You know what I think there cool so blah!" My dad said taking Shanice sweater off.

Oh! That's right! I remember now, wow I wonder if my dad really regrets getting these tattoos? Like ya some of them are cool but a few naw, but I really do love the shaking hands.

"Dad give it back! It's my friend Shanice sweater!"

"No you don't deserve it!" He scream walking out. I rolled my eyes and answered the front door. He's a mad man I swear.

I threw myself on the couch and turn on the tv flipping through channels. Dam when would this day end already. I stop flipping the channels when I saw a picture of my dad face, will this might be interesting.

"Alright now lets we have Harry Styles daughter running out of her house frustrated. She should of at least but on something nice of make up on." The blonde interview girl said explains every small bad detail about me.

I stared at the tv confused at what she was saying about me. Ew she's right I should of wore something more better and some make up but it was pouring raining and I don't even know how to put those things on my face.

The guy on her left laugh, obviously he's know as the gay guy here. "Wow, Harry should really start paying attention to her daughter wardrobe. But I can't blame him since being a single parent is hard."

Single parent? He never told anyone about Jaisy? Omg this is a classic! The old man never told the media about her so this means he's not ready for a real relationship, well no wonder she's not living here.

"Ya true but c'mon she looks ridiculous-"

The tv went black after that. I turn around looking outside the window that all the city lights turn off. Great that's just beautiful, for sure some Monster Paparazzi is going to attack me.

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