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So sorry about short chapters- 

They get longer  (Edited)

Sophie ran down the stairs.

"Here is your costume, kid," said Grady, grinning. He held up a soft, velvet dress with sequins, buttons and sparkles on it. It was poofy towards the thigh. "I think you got the wrong outfit!" Cried Sophie horrified. "It looks like I would be going to a bakery not a ball!" 

Just at that moment Edaline burst through the doors with a massive bag. "Oohhh!" She said, smiling. "The costume has arrived!" "More like the costume of doom," sulked Sophie. "I will look like a cupcake!" "That's the whole point, it's the Candy Ball," replied Edaline. "Now go get dressed." 

Sophie came down stairs looking like a fluffy cupcake. Her body was so full of sequins and buttons that her head felt quite empty. 

Edaline rushed over to Sophie with a jeweled masquegrade mask that really completed the look. The outfit looked stunning. Sophie had never felt so glamorous in her life. 

"Better get going, kid." Said Grady, grinning. "Schools gonna start." 

The candy ball (a Keeper of the Lost cities fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt