Chapter 2: Into the woods

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  You, Mark and Jack all walk into the woods. It sure was getting dark. Lucky you had a flash light, so you pulled it out and turned it on. You turned around a bit, to look at Mark and Jack who where also pulling out their own flashlights. It was going to a long night ahead of you.

Jack quickly ran ahead of you, soon followed by Mark. You watched them, a bit scared seeing them run way ahead of you. "Hey! Guys! We have to stick together! " You shouted as you ran after them. But it was too late, Mark and Jack were way a head of you and soon they were out of sight. Panic fills your eyes and you started running. You quickly picked up the pace, running faster now. Trying your hardest to find them again.

You soon had to stop, due to the shortness of breath you had. Frantically you looked around. "Mark! Jack! Where are you guys!? " Shouting out at the top of your lungs. But nothing, just dead silence fills the air, you started getting teary eye. You were all alone, afraid, lost. What is worse is that there was a MONSTER, out in these woods. Sure you must have something in your bag that you brought with you, that you could use. But just thinking about running into the thing, scared you.

Slowly your legs started making you walk forward. After all you weren't just going to stand there and let the thing, or whatever was out here come and find you. At least, having a chance of living and hopefully find the two again.

Suddenly you stop dead in your tracks and your eyes widen with fear. Screams filled your ears, but it wasn't just any scream you heard. It was Jack! Quickly you started running, following the sound of the screams. Hopping and praying that Jack wasn't going to die, and hopefully Mark was there trying to save Jack.

  The closer you where to them, you started slowing down. The screaming stopped, and was replaced with..laughter? Jack and Mark, they were laughing. At least they weren't dead. That's the good part of it. But the question remained, why were they laughing?

They were finally in sight and what you saw made, really confused and frightened. You slowly approached them.

There on the ground was Jack. He was laying on his back, laughing his butt off. There on his stomach, the head of the monster, the one they were after. It was nuzzling Jack's stomach like it was its pillow, a deep purring like sound.

You stopped your feet as you walked over to Mark and Jack. Fear and anger, shown across your face. Fear was for the monster! After all who wouldn't be scared of that thing. And the Anger was for Mark and Jack. They both gave you a heart attack! Well you still couldn't be that mad at them, after all at least their still alive!

"HEY! YOU MONSTER" You were suddenly cut off, by seeing the creature, quickly turning his head, in the direction of you. You find yourself frozen with fear as you watch it coming closer to you. Your body starting to shake, you close your eyes shut. Only to hear Mark's voice shout out.

"Hey, hey. Its okay. [Your name here],isn't gonna hurt you. " He gently smiles at it, as Jack started petting it. Mark turned to face you, placing is hand on your shoulder. "Its alright. This thing isn't gonna hurt you. Nor anyone in that fact"

Slowly your eyes start to open. The first thing you see was Mark's face. A sigh of relief, escapes your lips. " But if its not gonna hurt anyone then.." You said with a bit if disbelief in your tone. "Why did Jack scream!?"

~little-time skip~

Sitting on the ground. Mark had just finished explaining to you, why Jack had screamed. You nodded your head in understanding. You looked over at Jack, as Mark stood up to stretch. Watching Jack, as he plays around with the monster. It did seem harmless. As you watched you noticed, Mark walking over to them. Mark then laid down on the Monsters back.

The more you watches the more you realized, that it was just plan out curious. You smiled slightly as you see Jack moving his hands in a way, that confused the Monster,who now didn't seem so scary anymore.

The monster was a neon, to light blue color. It had a bit of neon green on its tail, mostly near the end of it. Black marking covered its; legs, arms, face, tail, and ears. Horns curved out from behind its ears, those ears it had, were bent forward looking like another set of horns in a way. It had a long tail, which was large at the end, becoming a bit skinnier when it connected with its body. It sure was flufly in some parts of its body. Kind of cute

Mark pulled out his phone and saw the time. "Ah man, first its dark out and now we really should be heading back home" Mark sighed and got off of the creature and petted its back one last time. He smiles as he sees Jack still confusing it. "Alright Jack, stop confusing it, let's go!"

Jack sighed and got up,rubbing its head one last time. "Alright. Hey, [your name here] could we stay at your place tonight? " He said as he grabbed his bag away from the monster.

You smiled and nodded your head, as you went and picked up your own bag. Mark doing the same. All three of you started walking, heading home calling it a night. Maybe we could visit this thing again? You thought to yourself as you walked.

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