First Impressions

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*Monday Morning*

Why is my alarm going off? There is no way it is 8 o'clock yet. I roll over in bed to see the clock reading 6:30. Damn Hailley. I shouldn't have left her with my room and boxes. I decide I might as well get up. First day at the new job, might as well try to look decent. I roll back over to stare at the ceiling for a minute when I remember, add bed frame to shopping/IKEA list. My mattress is currently just laying on the floor in my room. Old frame broke in the move. I get out of bed, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, etc. etc. You know, the normal morning stuff. Finally it's around 8 o'clock and I decide to leave for work. Why not be a little early on your first day, right?? Wrong. LA traffic sucks. It takes me the full hour to get to work where that distance would normally only take 30 minutes, max. 

Once I get to work I have to wait in the sitting area to meet with my new boss. He has me fill out a few more pieces of paper, goes over my job expectations, safety things, etc. After our meeting he has my new co-worker Gustav show me around. He informs me I'll be on the yellow team and decides to show me around. Since we were on the top floor we have to take the elevator down to the floor where we all work and edit. Once we get in he decides to casually talk to me; ask me where I'm from, how I like LA, my YouTube channel, but I'm only half listening. The reason? One floor below us, a gorgeous blonde joined us on the elevator. Gustav had said hi to her and called her Taylor, but I didn't say much. The way she talked to him and laughed I could've sworn she was straight. But for some reason I couldn't get her out of my head. Taylor only stayed on for two floor and got off the one before us. Gustav proceeded to introduce me to the  yellow team and my new coworkers. He showed me where the break room is and the bathroom and then he showed me where my new desk is. Once he showed me to my desk we parted ways as he had to get back to work.

I had kinda set aside today as a "learn your new work environment" day. So, I decided to login to the computer and see what they had. I looked at the editing software, video ideas, group chats throughout the work space, everything they had to offer. While I'm browsing the software and brainstorming new ideas, someone comes up and sits down at the desk across from me. And I'm using sit as an operative word. You know how when you're upset and you just throw your body into a chair? That's what happened. I didn't want to bother her but I needed to say something.

"ummmm are you okay?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Just a rough day." I knew that voice.

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry. I'm Steph by the way. I hope your day gets better."

"Thanks," she smiled, "I think we met in the elevator, but I'm Taylor. Are you on the yellow team?" I couldn't help but smile when she said her name.

"Sure am. I'm the newest member. Anything I should know?"

"Just be yourself and you'll be golden."

"Thanks" And with that, I smiled and turned back to my computer. I still had no idea if this girl was even gay. Hell, with my luck, she'd be straighter than an arrow, but I decided to do some digging anyway, and that's how I spent the rest of my first day at work.


Sorry this chapter is kinda lame. had to find a way to build into the story instead of just jumping in. Hope it wasn't too bad. Please feel free to leave comments or give it a star.

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