Losing the War

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Life and Love.

Two wars,

millions of soilders,

lots of losers,

few winners.

I am but a soilder.

Nothing more,

nothing less.

I'm no different from you,

or anyone else.

Just a normal person.

We all want to win the war,

but it is impossible.

In the end we all lose.


Even knowing this,

we still fight everyday.

For good reason.

How boring would life be,

without a little fight?

Anything good is worth fighting for.

It is this Spark to fight,

that keeps us going.

It helps us push through the dark.

Make it another day.

In the end,

All these battles,


and losses,

will all help to make the journey worth while.

So push through the battles.

One by one,

Day by day,

just keep fighting.

In the end,

we may all lose,

but we are never defeated.

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