"It's empty" she whispered, barely audibly before stepping into the large office. She entered, her feet light and silent upon the floor boards as she stepped, she turned waiting for Jacob to enter.

"I wonder how much of this is paid for by Starrick?" Jacob said as he swayed quite confidently into the large lavishly furnished office, his eyes skipping keenly around.

Evie gingerly closed the office door, careful not to make a sound before she turned the key in the door securing it firmly

"Between Starrick and the British Government, I'd say Mr Phillips isn't doing too badly at all Jacob" Evie replied as she too glanced at the high coved ornate ceiling and the antique furnishings that dressed the room. "Now come on.... We haven't got long.... Where would Phillips keep his documentation relating to the tobacco"  she mused as her eyes flicked keenly around the room.

Jacob turned on the spot as he quickly surveyed the room. Phillips' office was so large that any suspect paperwork could have been easily stashed anywhere. He eventually pointed to a highly polished writing bureau that sat across the way, nestled neatly between two large sash Windows

"I'll take the desk Evie, if you can start there " he commanded as he strode swiftly behind Phillips oak writing desk.  Without further word Evie stepped quickly over towards the bureau, her leather gloved fingers pulled down the front and she wasted no time in rummaging haphazardly through the small drawers of papers.


George worked his guests and worked them well, he clearly wasn't ignorant in the art at all. You observed him closely as he flitted from group to group, schmoozing and self gratifying at their praise and glorification at his work. At times, he wore the same expression you imagined he'd wear whilst pleasuring himself, all open mouthed and smiling widely whilst gaffawing and overtly laughing falsely at some empty compliment or what not... The man was a prick, pure and simple, it was written all over his face, you only hoped The twins would hurry with their search so you could get out of there as soon as possible.

"He's quite a man isn't he?" Came a males voice to your side, brow furrowing you glanced to your side.

"Samuel Hopkins, Miss" he grinned inanely before his warmed fingers slipped inside yours, before you knew it the man placed his heated soft lips against the back of your hand and kissed it reverently. You offered a pulled,false smile that you hoped would satisfy before pulling your hand free from his and turning your attentions back to Phillips

"I didn't catch your name Miss....er um" he faltered

"That's because I didn't give it Sir" you replied as your eyes continue to strain through the crowds

"I can see you've clearly got spirit young Miss.... I quite admire that in a lady" he hummed quite confidently "you know your own mind and that's refreshingly effervescent in these times"

"Quite" you replied rather flatly, already bothered by his presence

"If you don't mind my saying Miss, I've noticed you've not yet taken your eyes from Mr Phillips since you arrived.... Are you drawn to his winsomeness or is it the art of chemistry that attracts?" He asked as he sipped from his own glass

"Neither" you replied "I have a vested interest in his most recent work... Let's just leave it at that" you replied before you drank from your own glass

Unexpected OutcomesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora