Chapter 2: Conversation

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Genos was the last one to tryout, his time being 1 minute and 30 seconds. He didn't do as bad as most, but he was still sort of disappointed in himself. In his defense, he wasn't really into it, he was still thinking about that guy's performance. How could he be so fast? It didn't seem humanely possible, but Genos was sure his eyes didn't deceive him. He went into the locker room, about to change back into his clothes when he spotted him. He immediately ran up to him, invading his personal space. "Ah, can i help you?" The guy said with a slightly-bothered tone. Genos inhaled deeply. "MY NAME IS GENOS, I AM A 16 YEAR OLD SECOND YEAR! PLEASE TELL ME YOUR NAME." Genos regretted yelling so loudly. It's too late to turn back now. The guy stared at him blankly. "It's Saitama..why?" Genos slammed his hand on the gym lockers unexpectedly, but the guy didn't seem shocked. "TEACH ME HOW TO BECOME STRONG LIKE YOU." Genos once believed he was as strong as he needed to be, but today proved that was not the case. "Ah, okay. Tomorrow's Saturday, so you can come to my apartment." Saitama gave Genos his address, despite having a 'i-already-regret-this' look on his face.
Genos arrived at Saitama's apartment at 1:00 pm. He gave a firm knock and saw the door crack open, revealing Saitama's plain face. " were actually serious..uh, Mentos, was it?" "ITS GENOS, TEACHER." Genos corrected, slightly offended. "Right, sorry. Also don't call me teacher." "MASTER." "No." "SENSEI." "Stop."

Genos walked into Saitama's apartment, taking his shoes off. He sat down on a pillow in front of a coffee table and waited for Saitama to finish making tea. Genos observed every inch of Saitama's apartment from his point of view until Saitama placed a tea cup infront of Genos and sat down. Saitama lightly sighed. "After you drink this, please go home. I'm not actually looking to teach someone, especially not while I'm in school." Saitama tilted his head. "Where's your headband?" Genos raised an eyebrow but quickly realized what he was talking about. Genos wore a blue headband for tryouts because he didn't like his hair in his face, it was starting to get too long. "I wear that headband only for when I don't want my hair in my face. The tryouts were no exception." "You really don't act like a second year, you know that?" "Do you not get annoyed by your hair, teacher?" "No, not really." "Ah, because it is thinning prematurely?" " HEY, ITS NOT LIKE IM BALD, WHY WOULD YOU POINT THAT OUT ANYWAY, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" Saitama yelled defensively. "Will you really listen to my problems, teacher?" Saitama's angry expression quickly turned to one of nervousness. "Ah, I didn't actually want to know-" "It started a a year ago. I was out at a party in an attempt to gain friends, even though I wasn't really trying. When I got home I found my parents, dead in a pool of their own blood. They had been murdered, a home invasion gone wrong, I was later told. If I hadn't been at that party I probably would have gotten killed too. The killer never was found. I was sent to a foster home, and I'll admit, I was struggling to find a reason to keep living. It was then I was taken in by Uncle Kuseno, obviously he's not my actual uncle. Anyway, he told me to focus on one day catching my parents' killer, and it. made me mentally strong. And then I made myself physically strong. seems that I am still lacking. I have recently let myself focus more on schoolwork, believing my strength to be at a acceptable level, but you watching you has motivated me to get stronger. Faster. When Uncle Kuseno adopted me, he was the first person who motivated me to get stronger and now you have also motivated me to get stronger. The feeling to give back to those who have motivated me also has only become stronger. I will find the killer of my parents and kill him. Not only for my parents, but for any other possible victims-" "YOU TALK TOO MUCH! SUMMARIZE YOUR WORDS IN 20 WORDS OR LESS!" Saitama yelled out, visibly annoyed. Genos was taken back and slowly closed his mouth. That was the longest he's talked in a while. "What I'm saying is, please accept me as your disciple." Saitama sighed inwardly. He had enough problems trying to pay rent and keep up with schoolwork. He did sympathize with the younger boy too, though; his parents were also killed. But not by a killer. "Genos." "YES?!" Genos yelled back. "You are 16, correct? You'll surely pass me..I was 17 when i started. I've been training for a year. I'll teach you, but it wont be easy, are you going to be able to handle it?" Saitama wasn't exactly sure if he could actually teach him anything, but it was worth a shot. Genos inhaled deeply and Saitama braced himself. "YES, SIR!"

"Genos?" "Yes, Uncle?" Genos wasn't paying attention, he was still thinking about how he wasn't as strong as he thought. "Did you do your homework?" "Of course, Uncle." Genos flipped channels until he found one he was satisfied with. He unlocked his phone and stared at the contact labeled "Sensei". "Did you hear what I said?" "I did my homework, Uncle." Genos said, a little sassy. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Kuseno squint suspiciously. "Where did you go this morning?" Genos turned his phone screen off. "To a friend's house." Genos turned to Kuseno, giving him his full attention, knowing this would turn into a full conversation. "You have a friend?" Kuseno sounded like he wasn't convinced. Genos nodded. "His name is Saitama, he's a third year." Kuseno's face lit up. "Did you get along well?" "Most of our interactions were me yelling in his face.." Genos struggled to keep eye contact. "Uhm..why?" The first thing that came to Genos' mind was "he makes me excited", but he knew how that might've  sounded. "We played video games." Genos said with a fake smile. Kuseno laughed and walked out the room. Genos thought about what he would do tomorrow and sighed to himself. Maybe he would go to Saitama's house again? It would be inappropriate to assume they had anything other than a student-teacher relationship, wouldn't it? Genos got a buzz from his phone, interrupting his train of thought. "This is Saitama. This is Genos' phone number, right? Just texting to make sure." Genos instantly replied back and laid down on his couch, not feeling like walking to his bed. Yeah. He said in his head. Strictly professional.

This chapter was garbage... I just wanna move on from it *shudders* also , Genos right now like, in this chapter does not have romantic feelings for Saitama.

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