Part 2- sleepless nights

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Soo, Here's the second chapter. I couldn't leave it because I have so much to write for this character, Freya. Anyway, leave feedback and let me know if you want me to continue this story. Please I really do appreciate the feedback. :-) Thanks -Jess x


Dan's POV

We walked Freya home I knew she didn't want to speak much about what had happened but I couldn't help but worry. She stopped us at the street and said her goodbye and thank you before hurrying down the path and turning off, her dogs following her faithfully. We waited until she was definitely in before turning and heading to Starbucks. 

The guys were all chatting cheerfully saying how she seemed like such a lovely girl I wasn't following the conversation I was still thinking of Freya and what had happened. Why was she so terrified? Why did she think I would hurt her? Questions were swimming around my brain.

"Eaaarrrth to Dan?" Kyle said waving his hand in my face. I blinked and looked at the three faces looking back at me, my thoughts scrambling together.

"Sorry. Ur, what were we talking about?" I asked smiling embarrassed.

"We were just disscussing about what happened today." Will said smoothly drinking his coffee.

"Oh. Okay?" I said unsure.

"I think, and this is just me I don't know about you guys, I think we should maybe go visit her tomorrow maybe. Our weekend is pretty free for once." Kyle said playing with his moustache, I looked at him stunned.

"I agree. Let's do that." I jumped at the chance and Kyle laughed with Woody at my eagerness. I just wanted to make sure Freya was okay, she didn't seem happy to be going back to the care home she lived in. Will just nodded in agreement.

"Haha well I guess our Saturday has been planned." Kyle said with a big smile and Woody laughed. I smiled at them and pulled out my phone to check twitter.


Freya's POV

I woke up with my face in Dash's fur, the Border Collie was laid out in front of me sleeping and Molly was laid across my legs. I patted her side and she rolled freeing me. I crept to the bathroom so no one would be woken up and be upset and quickly went to the toilet before splashing my face. I gasped at the pain and looked in the mirror to see the purple bruise starting to emerge on my cheeck, I put my fingers to my cheek and felt how badly swollen it was. Not that much but it would probably be worse in the morning. I crept back to my room and closed the door.

A pile of homework was still filling my desk space so I decided to get to work so the weekend was free for me to do nothing and keep out of everyone's way. I had just finished my final piece of homework, which was for History when my door opened.

"Freya where is it?" The voice that made me shiver asked.

"I-I-I-I don't know what you mean?" I stuttered looking at him his heavily built figure blocking out any light or hope.

"Don't lie to me. Where is it?" He asked again coming closer.

"I don't know Sam! I don't know what you're talking about." I answered him preparing myself for anything.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to pay me back." He said quietly menacingly, I flinched as he walked past, brushing me with his arm. He reached up for my little tin which I put my money in and I tried to stop him. He threw me onto the bed and took the money.

"Please," I begged.

"This is your fault Freya, if you weren't such a brat and useless." He sneered and walked out of the room. I sat up sniffling. Molly and Dash crawling up either side.

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