"I assume you know Ms. Carson?" He asked without looking at me. I nodded my head nonetheless and watched him as he inspected the monitors connected to my fiancèe.

"We're getting married in two weeks." I answered dully. The doctor nodded and held out his hand.

"Dr. Hanson," He greeted, "Did you happen to be with your fiancèe when all of this occurred?" I told him my name in return and shook my head.

"We'd fought this morning so I left for work early. I'd been waiting for her to call when her friend called me instead." I explained, feeling guilty. Dr. Hanson nodded again.

"I see. Well, to my understanding, your fiancèe was attacked during her break at the coffee shop she works at, according to Ms. White outside, Areila knew this man personally and was well aware he was dangerous. As far as her injuries go, the man had punched slightly above her right cheek bone and, you can see by the bruising, that it was bad but could have been worse. A few minor scrapes and bruises along her arms and waist where he handled her will heal quicker and should cause no worry. She also sprained her ankle in which, provided she allows it to heal properly and uses crutches, should be fine to walk on next week. I do suggest she stays off her feet, though, and ups her iron intake." Dr. Hanson paused and then smiled. "And yes, your baby's fine."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and leaned back in the chair, thanking the doctor.

"It is a little early, but if you and Ms. Carson would like, we can give her an ultra sound---assuming she hasn't had her first yet?" I looked up at the doctor who had to be in his late thirties, early forties, and watched me for my answer. I glanced at Areila, wondering if she'd want me to be with her or not when she first got to see our child. Probably not.

"Yes, please. Thank you, doctor." I answered softly, knowing he'd probably pick up the sadness in my voice. He nodded and quietly exited the room, leaving me alone to clutch onto Areila's small, cool limp hand.


- Areila -

I awoke to bright lights, a white room, and disgustingly sterile smelling air. My cheek was sore and stung slightly and my head throbbed. I tried to shield my eyes with my hand but both of them were restrained. One with needles and tubes poking in and out of my skin and the other wrapped in a larger, male hand. My heart beat rapidly at the thought of Keith taking me to some secluded hospital until I saw Rafe's sleeping face and I realized where I was. I looked around, everything looked new and high-tech, fitting Rafe's lifestyle perfectly. I think I remember a new hospital opening near by Rafe's large home. It must be where we are now. I looked back at Rafe and choked back my tears.

The man I loved sat, looking rather uncomfortable, in a chair that was pulled up to my bedside, his hand enclosed around mine as if hanging on for dear life.

When I regained consciousness again, the first thing I sensed was two people speaking in low voices. One spoke deep and sexy, and I knew it to be Rafe, although the other one was foreign to me. I groaned at the soreness of my ankle and shifted.

"Shh, she's waking up. We'll talk about this later." Rafe's voice washed over me and I instantly wished he was holding my hand again.

I opened my eyes to see Rafe standing near a man with slightly graying hair dressed in scrubs and a white coat. He was a little stocky but well in shape. He walked up to my bedside with a clipboard in hand.

"How are you feeling, Ms. Carson?" He asked as he shined a light in my eyes.

"Fine, thank you," I said, my mouth dry. "How long was I out for?" The doctor handed me a cup of water and I forced myself not to drink it greedily.

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