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Jen's POV (Because Pat hasn't existed in her li- whoops, spoilers)

I slammed my locker. It was my first day of High School and I hated it. I just moved from the small town of Applesville (Go Apples!) to this massive town in Florida known as Openess (Hah OPness) Flore (Home of the Cheetos). Usually, when there's a transfer student they don't have any friends. It's-

"Hey, you new here?" I turned around. A guy around my age was looking at me. "Eeehhhhhhhh, yeaahhhhhh I'm a transfer student..." "Oh, then welcome!" He said. "I'm Pat by the way" I blushed. He was so handsome!

We became friends. On the way home from school, I was walking until I stepped on something. IT WAS A CAT! It was fluffy and white... Why does it seem familiar...

Hope y'all enjoyed this chaptah and cya around!

By the way the cover and description is coming soon!

Miki •~•

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