Chapter 2

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Ross's POV

Ross! What were you thinking?! You're so STUPID! You know you have feelings for her, but that doesn't mean that you can just tell her your secret!! I just want to slap myself right now. But it's like Laura's mom doesn't like me. The time has come, I have to move on. There was this girl named Kayla, we used to play a lot before I met Laura. She lives right next door. Maybe I can go play with her. I walked over to her house and knocked on their door. A girl about my age opened up the door. She looked miserable but after she eyed me up and down she had an excited face.

"Ross! What are you doing here?!" she exclaimed.

"I need someone to play with! Do you want to sing with me?" I asked.

"Sure! Come on in!" Kayla said excitedly.

I walked in then waited for Kayla to shut the door and lead the way. We went up the stairs and into her computer room! Just to let you know she has a HUGE monitor.

"Want to make a video, then post it?" Kayla asked.

"That sounds cool!" I exclaimed.

"Let's only do the chorus of "What You Mean to Me."" Kayla said.

What You Mean to Me? That was the song that Laura and I sang yesterday. I missed her already.

"Okay, I'm ready," I said.

I DO NOT OWN "What You Mean to Me" by Sterling Knight

Kayla: "Here I am with all my heart, I hope you understand."

Wow, she was talented.

Ross: "I know I let you down, but I'm never gonna make that mistake again."

Kayla: "You brought me closer to who I really am."

Ross: "Come take my hand."

Kayla: "I want the world to see,"

Ross and Kayla: "What you mean to me."

"That was great! Love your smi- er I meant voice!" Kayla said.

Kayla was my first crush before I met Laura, what was I thinking?! Kayla much sweeter than Laura, maybe in a few years or so I can ask her out? I'm not out of my mind, I'm over Laura completely.



Laura's POV

"Happy 12th birthday Laura!!!" my mom, my dad, and Vanessa chanted.

"Boy, you guys know how to wake me up in the mornings!" I said while laughing.

"Laura, I wanted to give you this!" my mom gave me a small little box, I opened it up and inside there was a mood necklace with the letter L on it.

"Thank so much! It's beautiful!" I smiled at her.

"Laur, this is for you." Vanessa smiled, then she gave me a heavy object. I opened it up then there I saw it, an iPad 3!

"Vanessa! You didn't have to! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Laura this is for all of us," my dad said while getting four tickets out then giving them to me. We're going to....

"LA! OH MY GOSH! Wait, mom did you approve this?" I said.

"Of course dear," she answered.

"What are we waiting for? Let's start packing!" my dad exclaimed.

I started to pack my things, I had a lot of stuff. I separated my things by electronics, make up, clothes, and other stuff. Can't wait to go back to my old house. But at the same time I'm going to miss New York, and it's beautiful sights.

"Can't wait to see Riker again!" Vanessa cheered.

"If he remembers you," I chuckled.

"Of course he will remember me," she replied.

"I wonder if Ross still remembers me," I mumbled.

"What was that?" Vanessa asked.

"Nothing," I said forcing a smile.



An hour later


"Is everyone ready to go to the airport?!" my dad yelled.

"Yes!" the rest of us yelled back.

"I'll be waiting outside with the taxi driver!"

My mom went out with her stuff, then Vanessa went out. Then I went out after them. We all got in the taxi and started driving away.

"Goodbye house, maybe I'll come back soon..." I whispered.


Btw ALL of this is my original work (well not the songs) if you take the idea if a story like this, well actually idk what happens o-o. But this is my first Raura fan fic, I'm not one of those popular authors so yeah XD.

-Anna Bri😋

You Can Come To Me - A Raura Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now