Jeff The Killer X Reader Part 2

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 You open your eyes and see only darkness. Your first thought is that he cut out your eyes, but you turn your head and see a bit of light, you realize there's a blindfold over your eyes. You growl and shake your head, trying to rid the cloth from your face. You feel fingers close around the back of the cloth and freeze.

"I see your up finally." His voice was rough."What do you want from me?" You hiss. He chuckled and untied the blindfold, letting it fall. You look up at him as he walks around to the front of you,, and he stares down at you with those wide, unblinking eyes. You shiver and turn away, but he grabs your face and turns you back to him. "Tell me, (your name), am I beautiful?" You growl at him and lean back, he steps forward, his chest against yours and you bite down on the base of his neck. He grabs your throat and pulls his knife from his hoody pocket and you freeze, he traces your throat with the tip of the knife and chuckles."You're really trying my nerves (your name)." He smirks and you bite your lip."W-why are you doing this to me?" You cry out. "Just kill me already!" You hiss and close your eyes tightly, starting to cry. You feel the blade leave your throat. The binds around your wrists go limp and you fall to your knees. He walks around to the front of you and sits.

"Why are you doing this?" You ask him quietly."Because your different, your... special." He looks at you as you sit."S-special?" You ask, and he nods."Theres something about you, and I want to figure out what." He smiles slightly.You cross your legs and look down at your lap. "Oh.." He leans forward and you look up, coming face to face with him. "J-jeff?" You stammer. "W-what are you-" Your cut off as his lips meet yours, he slowly pushes you down onto your back, still kissing you, and runs his hand down your side, he slides a finger around the hem of your shirt, then slides his hand up under the garment and to your breast. "JEFF!" You yelp and bite down on his lip, he quickly backs away from you and looks away, you can see the blush on his cheeks as he dabs at his now bleeding lip. "Sorry.." he mutters "I shouldn't have done that.." You sigh and crawl over to him, running your fingers through his hair. "Its not that, its just I don't think I'm ready for something like that. And the fact that only a moment ago you were trying to kill me." He turns to you and half smiles. "Your a good kisser." He says, making you blush. You'd never kissed anyone, Jeff had been your first kiss.

    You shiver as Jeff stares at you, he stands up and walks over to you, cutting the binds from your legs and helping you up. He grabs you around the waist and throws you over his shoulder.

"H-hey!" You yelp.

"What?" He starts walking deeper into the forest

"Where are you taking me?"

"To my home."


You start struggling, trying to get away from him but he tightens his grip around you, you sigh and go limp, knowing that struggling won't get you anywhere. Your eyes slowly close and you fall asleep.

You wake up in a bed and quickly sit up. "Where am I?" You wonder out loud.

"In my bed." You turn your head quickly and see Jeff leaned against the wall, arms crossed. He walks over to you and sits down on the side od the bed. "You fell asleep on the way here so I just let you keep sleeping. I went back to your house and got you some cloths to change into." He drops a pile of clothing on the bed. "Go ahead and change, then come downstairs." He stands and walks out.

You go through the pile of shirts and pants. Geeze did he take my entire closet?? you think. Finally you decide on a (fave color) shirt and jean shorts, then you walk out. As you exit the room you hear a growl and glance to the side, a pair of eyes glares at you through the dark and your eyes widen as the creature steps into the light you recognise him as The Rake. He snarls and racea around the side of you, blocking the stairs. You scream and step back, The Rake steps towards you and you hear steps coming up the stairs. Jeff appears and glares at The Rake. "What did I tell you! Don't touch what belongs to me!" The Rake snarls and scurries down the stairs.

"W-what the hell!? I thought you said this was your home!?"

He chuckles and walks over to you. "It is, and everyone else's."

"Everyone else's?"

"Slendy, BEN, Eyeless Jack and all the others."

Your jaw drops and he picks you up bridal style, walking downstairs, you see a couch and tv. Jeff drops you on the couch and sits beside you. "Just chill no ones gonna hurt you, I promise."

Jeff The Killer X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now