My name is Fiorella Fallenleaf. I live in the moon. Okay, hold on. Let's rephrase that. I once lived on earth, but i now live here. In the moon. And it is, um, quite lovely. No, we do not need huge astronaut suits. We have learned to live here and breathe so, we are fine. There isn't many people that live here, but there are some neighborhoods. It is just like Earth. Or kind of.....

See, earth had this, um, welcoming set, that makes it beautiful to live down there, but.....

The moon is, enchanted, it is magical and it is just, awesome. It isn't as welcoming 'cause wherever you turn, the sky is black. I don't like that.

I miss the earth, but it is way better to live out here. It's just, unusual...

I am Fiorella Fallenleaf, a fifteen year old, and i, live on Galaxy Dr, Crescent Moon, Moon.

The first is my name, then my age, then my street's name, then the name of my city, and then, well, the Estate Name. Or that is at least how they told us. I assume the world is called Universe.....

Anyways, have i mentioned my sisters? I suppose i haven't. Well, my sisters, Ophelia, Pandora and Lyra, are all older than me by one or two years with the exception of Pandora. Ophelia is seventeen years old, Lyra is sixteen years old, and Pandora is barely fourteen. My mother, Amelia Fallenleaf, thought for a long time our names as you can see.

Ophelia is such a grown up. She can make decisions by herself without messing up as much as i would. She has these enchanting grayish eyes and she is a brunette. Her hair is straight. She has her features so sharp, that if you did not know her, you would think she is a mean potato. But she is not. She is never underestimated, and she is very proud of it.

Lyra is much of the same as Ophelia what with her being a year younger than her and older than me. But don't fool yourself, she still is a joy to be with. I love to touch Lyra's wild hair. It is a flaming red. Her hair actually looks like fire flames. It is so red and so curly, it is more of fancy curls, like locks that are irresistible to touch. Ophelia's eyes are magically green. They can be penetrating sometimes, but when she is happy, those eyes are just beautiful. She has almost the same features as Ophelia. I hope Lyra doesn't grow up to be just like Ophelia.

Pandora is well, Pandora. She has this joyous smile, and these charming eyes. Oh gosh, she is the most beautiful girl i could have ever seen. Her eyes are a beautiful blue, kind of a turquoise. She can literally talk with her eyes. She has beautiful brown hair that is kind of wavy, but in a beautiful, fancy way, unlike Lyra's. Pandora is, as the myth says, very curious. But she is beautiful as well. She is just my twin. I have a joyous smile, i have very remarkable turquoise eyes. My hair is wavy too, and brown. Our skin is different from the rest of our family's. We are whitish and brownish, kind of an olive tone. We are often complimented because it is such a beautiful skin tone...

They call it the natural skin tone, i think it is more of a fair tan. Pandora says she is like a pecan, but pecans are way darker than us. Or that is what Ophelia says...

Ugh, because Ophelia is the oldest, that "supposedly" gives her the right to agree and disagree on whatever she wants, as she said. Ophelia is the oldest, and that has quite some advantages, but it has the disadvantages side too. She has to do most of the chores, and we do not.

But we still love her whatsoever. With or without her grumpiness, she is Ophelia, our sister, and she will always be.

From the moon...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant