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I couldn't stop myself. I had to approach him; it was like I was trapped in a trance- reaching out with my pale, cold hand in an attempt just to touch him- feel him. I pushed desperately through the crowd of onlookers to the front of the road where he stood exhausted after he ran his grace out. I looked down at my numb feet to see a long tail of red blood. the Crimson was he same colour as his suit. I followed it, slipping and twisting, but yet I still carried on- I had to.

I stopped in he middle of the road while I used the force to kill the crowd. I could see has elegant back, each curve and muscle defined in that red. I tried so hard to call out to him, but I couldn't catch my breath. gosh I'm so afraid- what if he sees me as a freak just like everyone else? my whole body locked in place, frozen, as I saw him slowly turn around and walk towards me. my breathing rate increased dramatically, his intense stare piercing strate through me .

kylo ren: an autobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now