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Author's Note:
This story is inspired by a Buzzfeed Yellow video. If you want to watch it just search in youtube the title of this book. Happy reading.


This is where we broke up.

A week ago I asked if we could talk and you pencilled me in.

You can tell something is wrong and I can tell you yes, something is wrong.

But, now neither of us can say anything.

I'm late as usual, you give me a hug and a kiss and you can tell I'm nervous for not quickly letting go.

I immediately annoyed at how far were sitting from one another but also kinda greatful for how far were sitting from one another cause I don't know if I can say this upclose.

I skimmed the menu and asked about how your day was trying to avoid eye contact.

You talked about work, as per usual. And you didn't asked me about my day, as per usual.

Recognizing this is getting awkward I say, "Do you want a drink?"

I tried to break the tension but I could just also really use a drink right now.

When I think about how you look like I remember you no closer than eight feet away looking at your phone on your way out of the door to go do something that isn't about spending time with me.

But right now, you're leaning in for the first time in forever asking "What's wrong?" without saying words more present than you've ever been.

This just got a lot harder.

Suddenly, I remember the moment we met. When you looked at me the way you're looking at me now with the kindest I've ever seen that stopped me in my tracks.

And this is the moment I almost get cold feet.

But before those eyes can stop me again I looked down my drink and say

"I think we should break up."

You go silent as your eyes scanned every inch of my face trying to get a grip in what I've just said. Damn it you're handsome even if you're in shock.

You open you're mouth like you're about to say something and close it again unsure of what to say.

And now my heart is sinking cause now I'm remembering all the reasons I fell for you in the first place, all the memories and moments that made me put this off as long as as I did.

And now were sitting here, staring at each other for it feels lika an eternity.

Now my anxiety boils up out of me, "Are you gonna say anything?!"

But alas you break eye contact, look down and whisper "I don't know what to say." and I whisper back "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blind-sided you like this. Now this is the loudest moment of silence I've ever sat through like you wouldn't give me the time of day, I have to schedule our break-up a week in advance !"

You lean back and say "No... I understand."

"But you... you didn't reply to my texts, I got one word answers, I was skipping meals so we could eat together! Sorry if I got tired of waiting!"

You look back at me, held my hand and say "I'm sorry. I know I hadn't been... I don't know..."

We talk for a while and called it a night, you gave me another hug and kissed me on the cheek that you I loved and this time I don't wanna let go....


I can't count how many time I've come back at this restaurant, at this table, with this waitress.

I replayed that conversation in my head, rewriting the things I wished I had said, regretting the things I didn't give you the chance to say. Wishing I told you sooner that something was wrong and wondering if you cared more that I thought.

This is where we broke up. I guess I wish it had gone differently.


There you go guys the prolouge of the story. Hope you patiently wait for updates.

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Again, this is inspired by the Buzzfeed Yellow video and the prolouge is from the video itself.

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