Chap 1: morning

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=>Hi ya'll all....My name is Dipper, guess that you all know this and how obvious it is.

And you guy all know how horrible my life can be( you can even see it on the title), especially after 'this' person came into my life then ofcouse wop-di-do there go my life flew away.

And today, I'm gonna tell you how it goes. So please don't make the same mistake as me for trust in some thing that you should not.


Slowly open my eyes, blinking for a few time to get rid of the slight blur in the vision. I'm now lying on the bed, guess I just wroke up then. Pushing my arms against the bed to lift up my half body.

Tried looking though the dark to find a key and unclock this leg chain.

'Seriously I really needed that key, where the hell is it!!!...'.I sceam in my head constantly. My eyes don't really do well in the dark so this going to take a while. I look at the clock to check on the time.

'What the all ready 4am!!! Where is that key, why can't I never found anything when I need it!!'. I can't stop grumble inside my head. Then I left a tight queeze at the waist. Looking back down at my bottom. I heard alittle queeky voice.

"Aww your awake already, my sweet chick.♡". And the freaky triangle has a waken. I try pushing his arm out but he just kept speezing it more.

"Hey!! Let's me go ya freak. Are deal is off". I yelt at him. "To be honest, it's only for now",he reply.

"Fine!!! Just let's me go I have to get back home. He gentally release me pulling out his hand. I look back at his face with a glare, and he respond me with a mocking grin." I look around the mess, grab on my pants, lucky I found the key under my underwear and shirt, quickly put it on, unlock the key chain. Then ran to the front door.

"Sweet Chick!!♡".He call. "What?!! And stop calling me that!!It creep me out.".I turned around, hand holding the door knob.

"To reward you for being so AMAZING last night. Let's me get you a hit ride to home."he smirk at me then snap his finger. In a blink of an eye I was back at home.

"Well ! Less walking for me". Mumbling to myself. Then immediately ran back to the Shack and go back to my room before anyone would knowtic or wake up. Get back to the room safely, waiting for the sun to rise.


=> I know that you guy isn't really gettin' on with the story 'rule' right away. But never mind I'll tell you soon. (' v ')

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