Chapter 4: Pink Plastic Ring

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➳Wedding Ring Superstitions & Myths: A wedding ring that is too loose could mean a parting of ways, through acts of forgetfulness.


If you were to type the words 'One Direction' into the Google search bar, dozens of articles would pop up from the last 24 hours.
Louis Tomlinson Engaged!!!

One Direction's Louis Tomlinson Proposes to Girlfriend

One Direction Fans Restless On Social Media After Louis Tomlinson...

Louis Tomlinson Proposes to Girlfriend In Florida Show...

All these articles were waiting to be opened by the fangirls of One Direction.
On YouTube there was dozens and dozens of videos capturing the proposal on stage, along with the reaction of the fans.
(If you want to read on how Louis proposed to his girlfriend go to my book Sorry, Wrong #! To chapter 9 to read on what happened)

"NIALL! NIALL! WILL YOU BE LOUIS TOMLINSON'S BEST MAN?!" A middle age man with no hair and a huge black camera that kept clicking and flashing asked among the crowd of other guys holding black cameras yelling at the 5' 8" blue eyed blonde that kept his head down as he walked being protected by security guards.

Right behind him came a 5' 11" lad with brown hair and brown eyes with an arrow tattoo visible on his forearm.

"LIAM!!! LIAM!!! IS IT TRUE YOU HELPED LOUIS PICK OUT THE RING!" Liam didn't reply to the allegations.

They were coming out of a restaurant they had stopped by to eat.

There was lots of flashing, but Liam and Niall managed to get into the black van before they were bombarded with more questions.

"They sure don't waste time coming up with rumors!" Liam commented annoyed as he strapped himself in. The van started moving and the mob of paparazzi was slowly moving along with them still talking trying to get the boy's attention and flashing with cameras.

"That's what they get paid to do, mate." Niall shrugged it off, as he too, strapped himself in and looked out the window as the mob of paparazzi were left behind.

Liam yawned and rubbed his right eye, "Today was such a long day, I feel." Liam admitted as he looked tired.

Niall nodded, "Yeah, I've been up for like 18 hours! I'm beat!"

"I bet Eleanor and Louis are still out celebrating with Zayn and Perrie their engagement." Liam said as he looked down at the glowing screen of his iPhone.

Niall laughed as he remembered that Harry had been forced to go with them against his will. Just as he laughed out loud at the thought, his phone buzzed in his pocket so he took it out as Liam asked, "What's so funny?"
"That poor Harry was forced to go with them!" Niall replied as he unlocked his phone and saw all the 7 New Messages from Harry.

Someone is Weeping Tonight➳ N.H.	Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ