Cool knife, girl

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When Claire woke up, which she assumed was several hours later, she found herself in a dimly lit room. When her eyes adjusted to the dark room, she saw it was oddly decorated with banners, and exotic weapons she had never seen before. Her arms itched something crazy. She looked down to see herself tied to a thin wooden chair with poorly made, twine ropes. Simple escape, really. All she had to do was throw all of her weight onto the floor, his crushing he chair and escaping the ropes. She had done it many times before, and had extensive training on the subject; in books of course. Claire took a shaky breath, scared to make a wrong move.
      Across the room, there was a guard who had fallen asleep with a...wait. A giant chicken, human, crossbreed? This got weirder. Claire stood up as best she could with her bum tied to a chair. She waddled as far away a as possible from Chicken Boy. She threw all of her weight onto the floor, butt first. Claire quickly looked over her shoulder to keep an eye on the dozing guard. She ran over to the nearest wall, and grabbed a bronzish dagger with intricate designs in the shaft. She stood there, breathing heavily staring, wide-eyed at the snoring guard. "He must really be tired from dragging me to this place" she laughed to herself. This was awesome but nerve wrecking at the same time. She felt like she could puke or laugh at any given notice.
      Claire walked over to a work bench that had different sized sheaths. She took a soft leather sheath with a pointed, iron tip. Claire attached the sheath to her jeans and inserted her dagger. 
     A voice rang out from hidden speakers, seemingly erecting from the walls.
"Hey, Sunshine! You passed the test!"
"Wha-" she was interrupted by the same voice again.
"Cool knife, girl! That one's probably one of my favorites. I made it myself ya know! Now, I'm assuming you have ADD, like most of us here, but what might your name be, kid?"
"Well, sorry if I'm coming off a bit rude but, I don't usually give my information to people who kidnap me, and take me to a place that I know absolutely nothing about!"
"Calm down, Hon! My name is Leo, and I won't hurt you any more than necessary." He whispered the last part, " You are in Bunker-Nine, Camp Half-blood, and yes, you can keep the dagger. There! Know you know four things!" I wanted to punch this kid. His optimism was off the charts, and not in a good way, at he moment.
"Well let's still haven't shown yourself so how do I know your not some pervy thirty year old, using a voice changer?" There was distant laughing, like he was farther away from the microphone. After a few moments, a scrawny boy about my age, which is about 15 emerged from the ceiling on a large platform that settled nicely on the cold, concrete floor. His skin was a few shades darker than the normal, olive toned skin. Probably Latino. He had black, curly hair with a pair of  mechanic goggles on his head.
"See? Definitely not a thirty year old.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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