Done with pretending to be perfect.

Done with feeling dependent on someone.

Done with being afraid.

John couldn't handle the real me.

I was stubborn, moody, messy, and all over the place and he hated the bitch. He hated that I would get mad easily , he hated everything .

Everything that Brock loved.

Well not loved, liked .

While John and I would have fights because of who he discovered I was , Brock and I were having fights over everything besides it but I guess last night those lines blurred.

Not in the right way ..



I snapped my head and saw Brie leaning into the door of the rental car frowning at me as I realized we were at the arena.


I sighed as I grabbed my title and bag and got out.

"I know last night didn't go exactly the way you wanted to Nicole but we're at work. And here things are professional remember?"

I sighed as I knew she was giving me the tough love I needed but I was doing enough of that for myself.

"Yeah I am fine ,just trying to sink everything in regarding being champion" I looked ahead which caused her to nod .

"Hey guys!" Renee hugged us as we walked to my locker room.

"Ready for tonight?" I nodded.

" So please tell me you sorted things out with Brock. When I found him outside your locker room just hovering I figured he would be sucking it up"


"What? I thought you went to look for him?" I asked trying not to sound too desperate to hear her answer.

"Well technically I said Dean hadn't looked hard enough. I noticed you had been gone for about fifteen minutes and decided to go looking for you when I opened the door I saw him pacing up and down outside . I guess he heard the noise and didn't want to come in. I don't know , but then I told him I was going to look for you anyway and I knew where you would most likely go."

She shrugged, he had even told me he was about to leave when she got to him but I guess he lied as he was angry and didn't want to seem like he cared too much in that moment.

"Oh, what did you guys talk about?" I laughed.

"Nothing, I couldn't speak about you because of the fight and I couldn't ask about his match cause well yeah. But now if we speak at least I will be able to take credit for reuniting you guys on your big night .."

She smiled as Brie laughed not connecting the dots just yet as to why I had slept in her hotel room.

"Well.." I began as we walked into my locker but I was surprised to see Stephanie waiting for me and seeming very happy.

"Our new Women's Champion!" she pulled me into a hug which caused me to frown but I tried not to show it as much.

"This is what we prepared you for on the road to Wrestlemania and we are proud to call you our new champion." she smiled before leaving and as she did Dean entered looking confused.

"What the hell did the boss woman want now?" He asked as he closed the door.

"Surprisingly to welcome her as champion" Renee shrugged.

Fearless In The Eyes Of A Beast // BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora