Beaches and Sunsets

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"Hurry up, I don't want to miss the sunset!" I yell at Tori as she fumbles around for a hair tie.

Tori asked me a few days ago if I would take her to see the sunset at the beach that it's too far from where we live. She loves them and I love seeing her excited about the things she loves.

"OK, I'm ready." Tori tells me.

She's wearing her wash blue shorts with a plain t-shirt. I don't know how she manages to look so good with wearing just simple clothing. I'd look ridiculous.

It's about 7pm by the time we get in the car, I decide to drive us there since Tori is overly excited and she has a tendency to spead when she's excited about something.

We make the 30 minute drive to the beach. Once we are there, I help Tori with the beach towels and small bag with some food in. I lock the car and I grab Tori's hand and we walk to find a good spot.

"What about here, Y/N? Tori asks. "Baby, I don't want to the waves to eat us up, I pretty sure the waves get crazy around this time." I tell her lovingly. She gives me a quick kiss on my check and we walk a little further up towards the rocks.

It's starting to get darker and we quickly setting down on our towels. The evening light is shining on the sea and it looks beautiful but not as beautiful as Tori.

"What you staring at? Tori says, slightly smirking.

"Nothing much, just that you look really beautiful." Tori gets all embarrassed. She scoots on to my towel in front me and I wrap my arms around her waist.

The sun is starting to set, you can see all the lovely colors; red, orange and yellow. Tori gets out get phone to take a few photos and she decides to post one on Twitter.

Tori looks up at me with the most lovingly way she could. She turns slightly towards me and she presses her lips against mine. I deepen the kiss and Tori sides her tongue into my mouth. I find my right hand under her t-shirt while her other is stroking her right cheek. I pill away when I realise we're getting carried away.

"Why did you stop?" Tori asks looking disappointed. "Because I don't want you to miss the sunset and besides it's something we can look forward to when we get home." I say with a smrik.

"I love you Y/N."
"I love you too, noodle."

Hey! Sorry for the wait and long chapter. Hope you like it 😊 Rate and comment if you like ☺ Thanks for reading.

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