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6 years later.

Well, Mercedes is 10

My daughter- Alecia, is 5.

I'm 23

Kendrick is 24

And we are happily married with another child, he's 4 and his name is kreeshawn.

One last thing, Kendrick got arrested the day after I got pregnant with my son.. So he has no idea I have him!

"Baby stop crying!" I told Alecia. She was crying because she couldn't find her toy! Not a reason to cry!

"Alecia, it's right here " Mercedes yelled.

Alecia ran to the back room and took her toy.

"Mwommy where daddy?" Kreeshawn asked .

"Baby daddy on vacation. You'll see him in about a month" I told my 4 year old! Kendrick is released in a month exact tomorrow! He got locked up for carrying weed. I miss him so much! Mercedes cries all the time because she wants her daddy!

I home school my children because they WILL NOT go to a public school on my watch!

So this is my life. Welcome to it.


Well just a filler on wassup! .

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