Chapter 1

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    Chapter 1

    Anne ran from the malignant man chasing her.  She never looked back to see how close he was, but she could hear his heavy breathing.

Maybe I’m wearing him out...just one look...

She was in track after all.  She turned her head slightly to find what horrified her the most.  Anne couldn’t get a better view of his face before she ran out of her house.  His eyes were as dark and he had no hair.  Beside his eyes, he had no facial features.  It seemed as if he had no face.  It also seemed like he was wearing black smoke.

    Anne turned her head back in front of her and ran toward the forest that was a few blocks from her house. She turned a few blocks until she saw the tall trees.  The forest was very thick so she was sure that she could loose him when she gets there.

    She entered a pathway into the forest.  The man was a little farther than he was at the start.  As Anne ran, there was a group of rabbits in front of her.  The rabbits diffused and she continued to run, never stopping.  She saw a ditch up ahead behind a tall brush.  She decided to run around trees in circles until the man was so far away that he wouldn’t see her jump into the brush. As she circled around the forest, the man got slower and slower and slower, meandering in confusion.  It was a good thing too because Anne’s hope of getting away was diminishing very quickly.

    Once the man was still twisting and turning around the trees looking for Anne, she jumped into the brush and into the ditch, hiding in a deep, dark corner.  Just then the man came around the corner and looked around.  Anne held her breath and tried to stay as quiet as possible.  She looked up and saw the horrifying man towering over her, looking around the forest.  Just then, everything went black and she saw a hazy vision...

    A prince sat upon a throne, covered in riches.  He was broad and very handsome with dark brown eyes and blonde hair.  Upon his head was a crown made of gold, embroidered with diamonds and rubies.  A man and woman sat on each of his sides. They both had almost the same crown as the young man except their crowns were a little more taller and decorated with obsidian.

    The king and queen looked very magnanimous, looking very humble at the people all around them while they acclaimed them for their recent victory on winning the Forever War.  The prince however had a disdain and hatred for the citizens.  It was their fault for his agony.  The citizens were the ones that voted for who would be put into the Royal Council.  The prince had not been assimilated because he hadn’t gotten enough votes.  He didn’t like seeing his father and mother get all of the praise.  He hated it.  He stormed out of the throne room while his mother, father, and every citizen there stayed silent and watched in disbelief as he left.

    That night, his father came into his room.

“Son, are you alright?”, he asked.

“Yes, father I’m fine”, the prince acquiesced, facing the backboard of his bed.

“Then, why did you storm out of the...?”

“Because I hate it how I led the army and sketched out our attack plans while you and mother both get to be in the Royal Council AND get all the praise!”, he yelled, now facing the king.

There was a long pause.

“Stop being such a fool...goodnight son”, the king replied harshly.

“A FOOL?!”

Before the king could go out the door, the son became delirious and grabbed his sword that was by his bedside.  He ran over to the door and sliced his father’s chest.  The king looked at his robes, now drenched with his own blood and then looked back at his son who’s face was full of rage.


Before he could finish the sentence, his knees buckled and fell onto the floor.  The son looked at what he had done and he felt no regret to it what so ever.  He then heard his mother humming at the bottom of the stairs.

Time for all of them to pay

The prince, dragging the blood covered sword behind him, walked down the stairs.  His mother looked up to see her boy smiling.

“Oh! Hello, dear. I was god! Honey you have blood all over your hands!”

“’s not mine...”, the prince answered, smiling.

The mother looked up at him in horror.  Before she could run, he drew his sword through her stomach.  A tear rolled down her face as she she fell to the marble floors.

    Satisfied with his work, he began to walk to the tall castle doors. He was going to head towards the village.

They must pay...

Before he could put his hand on the door handle, a woman appeared out of thin air.  She had a long black, smoky dress and hair that want to her knees.  She was very tall and had dark eyes...with no facial features but that.  The prince looked up in terror at the sight that he was seeing.  He then tried to stab the woman to get her out of his path but the sword went right threw her and didn’t effect the woman at all.  He then realized who was standing before him.

“You have killed your own parents and were about to kill the village for not voting for you on the council.  You have committed sins that you must be punished cruelly for what you have done, Prince Rosen”, the woman said in a wispy voice.

“Please forgive me, Great One! Wash my sins away and help me see another path! Please give me a second chance!”, Rosen said, trembling in fear.

“Fool! You will never have a second chance! The authorities and I have already made our decision.  You will serve me forever in finding the Gifted Ones. Your fate is final.

“No!”, Rosen yelled in agony.

His hair disappeared along with his nose and mouth.  His royal robes turned to a smoky cloak, blouse, and pants.  He looked at himself and back to the Great One.  He started to say something but all that escaped his throat were meaningless sounds.  He looked at her, confused, and pointed to her and then to his throat.

“Only I can talk.  Servants do not have the ability”, she replied.

Rosen looked sadly back to the floor, touching his hand on his throat.

“Your first assignment is this girl here.  She is not from this world, though.”, the Great One said.

Rosen looked down at the picture.  It showed a woman with brown hair and green eyes.

“She can see a person’s past and their stories.  Now hurry.  I am sure that you will find her.

The vision ended.  She could see now knew why the man was chasing her...the girl in the picture was Anne.

HEY!!!!! :) This is my second story on Wattpad and I hope you guys enjoy it! I'll try and write a chapter every week! It's funny cause this story started out being just a regular homework assignment and then I started to really like it :) I hope you guys do too!!!!!!! xD HAVE FUN!

- McKenna :P

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