Start from the beginning

"Don't speak", she insisted right away, partly because she didn't want to hear whatever sentimental words he was already thinking of, partly because she knew it wouldn't help his condition, at all. Trembling with white hot fear, she placed both wavering hands on his chest with the lightest of touches and locked her blue eyes with his, the obnoxious thud of her heart filling her ears as she licked her lips. "You better stay with me, you hear me? Please. If you don't get up and grab that hammer and kick your brother's ass, I swear I will!" she cried out, her voice faltering as her thumb went to wipe away the droplets of blood from Thor's sharp jawline.

As soon as the words escaped her mouth, however, a sense of realization swallowed her heart whole and a pit appeared in her stomach — she might not have been completely serious, but as her eyes drifted away from Thor's bruised face and over to Mjölnir, resting innocently in the middle of the street, she remembered that she could easily make her threat come true. She did, after all, possess the ability to wield the hammer as the supposed queen of Asgard, and right now, it was up to her to make sure she wouldn't have to rule the realm by herself.

It was easy for Thor to notice the sudden determination paint across Olympia's face, and as she gulped her own courage down, she darted one last look at him only to find him flashing an encouraging smile. That was enough to convince her, and releasing a heavy breath, she climbed back up to both feet and looked over to Sif and the rest. "Help him, please?" she gestured at the beaten man, and in an instant, the armored Asgardians were complying their future queen's wishes.

Olympia, in the meanwhile, strode over to the hammer and stared down at the handle nervously. A part of her worried that it wouldn't work — and she couldn't very well blame Darcy for yelling after her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" she pleaded with a terrified voice, but instead of replying a thing, Olympia merely glared at the hammer and tried to calm her racing heart. Not too long ago, she had been some version of normal, and here she stood now, about to grab a weapon only a selected few could hold in their grasp, and beat a magic robot to death so she could rule a kingdom with her soulmate. And the strangest part was that she really hadn't liked being normal, nor did she like the idea of going back to that.

"I swear if you let me down now...", she muttered at the hammer, not sure if its magical abilities allowed it to understand a thing, but she suspected that the fiery tone was enough to scare the thing into compliance.

Then, with one swift movement, she took the weapon in hand, and as she pointed it up to the sky, the blue above them darkened with thick clouds and a fierce wind formed a seemingly uncontrollable storm around her — except, she could control it, along with the thunder that rumbled throughout New Mexico, as if splitting the sky in half.

An incredulous scoff escaped Olympia's mouth as a grin spread over her lips, overwhelmed by the power coursing through her veins. For the first time, she felt like she had a purpose, one that remained half a mystery to her but the pride that surged in her chest along with a healthy shade of fear of her own capabilities, was far more thrilling than anything she had ever experienced. Even the Destroyer turned back around, no longer planning an escape but finding a new, unexpected foe to face.

Flicking her wrist just slightly, a lightning bolt struck the power line and Olympia's friends shrieked at the sudden snap right next to them, forcing the blonde to shoot them an apologetic grin before lowering the hammer and staring at it in disbelief — how it was in her hand, how she was creating all of this.

"Holy shit, I'm Thor!"

"What are you supposed to do?" Jane called from afar, somehow forgetting to question how Olympia was doing all of this, though she certainly seemed like a natural talent as she casually twirled Mjölnir in her hand and admired the way it looked against her palm — silver, adorned with details and feeling just right.

But, the million dollar question did eventually shake her smile, turning it into a frown as she shrugged and looked back to her friends with a little less confidence. "I don't know! Kinda winging it here. It's not like I have experience or something", she reminded, before looking down at the hammer and adding a smug, "though it feels like it."

With his friends' help, Thor struggled up to both feet and limped to safety, all the while Olympia slowly approached the Destroyer who was making his way back with systematic, slow but long steps. She could practically imagine the shocked look on Loki's face, but she doubted it was anything like the look of pure adoration she caught on Thor's when she turned back around, just to earn one last reassuring nod from him. In all honesty, it was difficult to believe she had it in her to do this, to do what the God of Thunder and his warrior companions couldn't, but the absolute belief that Thor radiated with gave her the final shot of unadulterated bravery she needed.

With a wave of her hand, she aimed the storm at the Destroyer, causing lightning to shock it — that alone didn't do much, and its expressionless face didn't even flinch as it tried to return the favor by directing one metal arm at Olympia. As she was smaller — and human — it was easy for her to dodge the incoming blow with a hint of arrogance, earning a relieved, maniacal laugh from her as she clashed with the Destroyer once more. Rising from her crouch, she slammed the hammer right into the enchanted armor's chest with all of her might and fury, successfully blowing the thing into a million bits and pieces.

Maybe it was the anger of having her loved ones threatened, maybe it was the benefit of having no personal ties to Loki to hold her back, or maybe it was sheer luck. Either way, with the powers of Thor, she managed to smite the Destroyer and silence landed amongst them all as she more or less won.

Only as the storm calmed down and the hammer fell from her hand, the strain of fighting an otherworldly enemy shot through Olympia, earning a tired exhale from her as she doubled over and hauled air into her lungs. Her muscles ached and it was like the god-like powers had drained her entirely, leaving her exhausted not only physically but mentally — nonetheless, she forced her way back to Thor, where the man gratefully took the woman into his arms despite the immense pain it caused him, ignoring the wounds on himself as he sighed happily.

Holding her tight, Thor couldn't help but let the pride in him shine through as he pressed a soft kiss on the top of Olympia's head. Darcy and Jane were speechless with amazement, and the Asgardians were full of joy for Thor and respect for Olympia — even if they had done most of the work, the Amodei had stepped up when she was needed and even if she had a long way to go, they all recognized her potential to be the royalty Asgard deserved. And that very thought rested comfortably at the very top of Thor's head as he painfully lifted an arm over Olympia's shoulders and closed her in a loving, grateful embrace.

"A queen, indeed."

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