The Garage

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After class had ended, Gia and I headed out of the room and went to our respective lockers to keep our books there. "Al, did you see that guy in class today? He looks like he's your type," said Gia. "The new guy? Hah, I don't think so. He has messed up hair. Who likes messed up hair? We should get him a comb or something," I said.

"So you have checked him out?" She asked.
"Well, of course, he is new and we always check new people out. Right?" I asked.
"Whatever floats your boat Al." She said in a knowitall kind of way and left.

After having that weird conversation with Gia, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the school building to get to my car.

On my way, I saw him again. He was standing alone in front of my car. Seeing him, I got all conscious about my appearance as I didn't look my best that day and as I couldn't ignore him unless I wanted to run him over with my car.

"Hey," he said, in his deliciously deep voice.
I looked at him, smiled and replied, "Hey. You're in my English class, right?"
"Yeah, I just joined today. I liked the class. Mr. Rahman seems very passionate about his work. Did you like the class today?" He asked enthusiastically.
"I've been doing his classes for a while. After some time, they get mundane," I said.
"Oh okay. I guess I'll get tired of it soon then. What about your other classes? Do you like it here?" He asked in a very chatty manner.
"it's okay here, it's not too bad. I'm really sorry, but I need to get home, maybe we'll talk some other time?" I said hastily.
"yeah sure," he said in an embarrassed tone.
" Could you move? You're standing in front of my car" I said.
"Sorry," he said as he moved away.

As I got into my car, I saw him awkwardly going through his phone and I realized that I was being a little rude. So I got out of my car and stood beside him.

"You're back," he said.
"I'm back," I smiled, "why are you standing here alone in the garage? Don't you want to go home?"
"I live four hours away and I have to go work at this coffee place in thirty minutes," he said after checking his watch, "so, I decided that I'll wait here for some time."
"Do you want to go out with me?" I asked awkwardly, "as friends I mean. I meant, would you like to hang out with me, say outside, for thirty minutes?"
He smiled shyly and said, "Yes! Thank God I found you. I was starting to get really bored of Clash of Clans."
I smiled at him, grabbed his arm and dragged him towards my car in which we headed out of campus.

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